Austria launches coronavirus “traffic-light” system to prevent second wave

The Austrian government on Friday launched a four-color coronavirus “traffic-light” system to help avoid a second wave of the pandemic.
The system is intended to increase public health awareness and thus prevent a second wave in autumn, especially in view of the upcoming start of school, said Health Minister Rudolf Anschober at a press conference.
The colors green (low risk), yellow (medium risk), orange (high risk) and red (acute situation) will be used to indicate epidemiological situations down to the district level, he said.
An expert commission with representatives from the coronavirus crisis committee, the chancellery and the health ministry will decide the color of each region
The colors will pivot on indicators such as the seven-day case numbers, hospital occupancy, traceability of infection chains and the number of tests in the region, according to the minister.
The first meeting of the commission will take place next week, when test operations will start. At the beginning of September, the first traffic lights should be in real operation, he added.
As of Friday, Austria has registered 21,807 coronavirus cases — 19,690 of them have recovered — and 720 deaths, according to the health ministry.
Source: Xinhua