Fidesz: EP poised to adopt ‘yet another LGBTQ diktat’

The European Parliament is about to “accept another LGBTQ diktat” that would “determine how we should define the family and marriage, how we should raise our children and what we teach them at school,” a Fidesz MEP said on Tuesday.
In a video posted on Facebook, Balázs Hidvéghi noted the EP plenary session was about to start, and “the leftist majority is preparing to accept resolutions on topics that are no business of Brussels.”
A proposal “demands” that the “rights of trans parents be respected, whatever that means,” Hidvéghisaid.
Another would bar member states from referring to their own constitutions on issues pertaining to family and marriage, but “we would have to accept the latest folly from Brussels”.
He said
the EP was threatening member states that were unwilling to “submit wordlessly” to “this ideological rampage” with the withholding of funding.
“Hungary is a reliable and predictable partner in European cooperation when it is based on mutual respect.
We accept others’ opinions on their own issues but won’t allow Brussels or the European Parliament to instruct us on issues that are solely our business,”
Hidvéghi said.
The video in Hungarian:
Source: MTI
Hungary must resist EU and LBGTQ perversion.
What ever Hungary does, Brussels threatens to withhold money. Is money worth ceding sovereignty, the answer is NO!
Brussels has no right to steal our money. That money is due to Hungary for giving up some things of economic nature.