Here is what the Hungarian government is asking of Brussels

The government insists that Brussels takes into consideration Hungary’s demands regarding border protection, Bence Rétvári, the interior ministry parliamentary state secretary said on Friday.

Brussels has levied fines to an “unprecedented” extent because Hungary is barring the entry of illegal migrants while spending massive amounts to protect the border, Rétvári said in a statement, adding that the government is taking legal action “to assert its demands against the European Commission” when it comes to covering the costs of border protection.

Hungary has contributed towards ensuring free internal flows in the Schengen area thanks to its controls against mass migration, he said, adding that Brussels “owes Hungary about EUR 2 billion”, which is how much the country has spent on protecting the border since 2015.

The executive decree on taking legal action against the EC has been published in the official Hungarian Gazette, the statement noted.

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  1. Norbert

    Sigh. Again. If you are going to make costs on behalf of another party.

    Random example – you decide to build a wall. Would you

    a) first, agree with the folks you “are doing this for” BEFORE you start spending money, or
    b) start ploughing money into the project, and send them a bill, afterwards?

    Example: You are annoyed by the poor road from the motorway to your village. You, by yourself, decide fund and build a nice road to your village. Upon completion, you send around pro rata bills to all of your co-villagers. How much money do you think you will get? Nice Hungarians, neighbours, not nasty EU co-Members?

    Executive decree? Political posturing. Lost cause!

  2. Michael Steiner

    I am sick to the back teeth of the E.U. and its refusal to secure its borders. When we were joining the E.U., they didn’t tell us that twenty years later we’d have to accept millions of invaders.

    Implement a naval blockade on the sea and fire at anyone breaching the border on the land. Period.

    Plus mass deportations.

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