Hungarian retail sales growth decelerates to 6.8 pc in June

Retail sales in Hungary climbed 6.8 percent in June from the same month a year earlier, decelerating from a 7.1 percent growth in May, the second reading of data released by the Central Statistical Office (KSH) on Thursday shows.
Calendar-adjusted data show retail sales were up 6.4 percent annually in June. The unadjusted figure for June was revised upwards from 6.5 percent and the adjusted one from 6.1 percent in the first reading published on August 3.
Adjusted food sales were up 3.1 percent in June, non-food sales climbed 10.9 percent, fuel sales were up 5.8 percent year-on-year.
In absolute terms, retail sales came to 965 billion forints (EUR 3bn) in June.
In January-June calendar year-adjusted retail sales rose by an annual 6.9 percent as did unadjusted sales. Adjusted food sales rose by 4.4 percent, non-food sales climbed 9.9 percent and fuel sales increased by 7.5 percent in the first half of 2018.
As we wrote yesterday, the average gross monthly wage in Hungary stood at 329,600 forints (EUR 1,023) in June, up to an annual 11.2 percent, read more HERE.
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Source: MTI