Listen to Hungarian Christmas songs on 80-year-old gramophone discs

In the National Széchényi Library of Budapest, the most beautiful Hungarian Christmas songs can be heard on 80 years old gramophone discs for the very first time! Thanks to tiring work and many years of fighting the library officially has the biggest gramophone disc collection in Hungary.

According to, the library hides and protects the most valuable treasures of Hungarian culture, and sometimes they can be observed by the public. From its gramophone discs collection, the library prepared something special and unique for the holidays for the very first time in its history.

The disc Magyar karácsony (Hungarian Christmas) was released in 1940 by Péter Pál Kelen who was the most prominent person of the Hungarian music business before the Soviet Regime.

The disc was made with professionalism from imported and Hungarian materials. Because of its time consuming and caring manufacturing and incredible excellence, the disc still can be played with excellent sound quality. On the record famous Hungarian Christmas songs can be heard.

A child choir sings the songs with organ music by Antal Várhelyi, the prominent organ player and conductor. The disc features songs like Ó, gyönyörű szép titokzatos éj and Mennyből az angyal.

CLICK HERE to hear the songs! 

Read alsoListen to Hungarian Christmas songs on 80-year-old gramophone discs

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