Price of rapid antigen tests to drop soon in Hungary

The price of rapid coronavirus antigen tests could drop as a result of retail shops being allowed to sell them as of Wednesday, the National Institute of Pharmacy and Nutrition (OGYÉI) said.

The antigen tests can be sold by all shops that hold a licence to distribute pharmaceuticals, including retail chains, drugstores and petrol stations, OGYÉI said in a statement on Thursday. Formerly, only pharmacies and medical supplies retailers were allowed to sell the tests, it added.

Currently 758 retailers are licenced to distribute pharmaceuticals around Hungary, OGYÉI said.

The price of PCR tests will remain regulated at a maximum 19,500 forints (EUR 55),

it added.

Laboratory Hungary worker
Read also WHO recommends this Hungarian method to predict COVID spread

Source: MTI


  1. They cost (and have cost for a long time) 10 euros in supermarkets and in France etc. 55 euros is still daylight robbery.

  2. 55€ for a quick test, overly expensive! Freezing the price of some life products. Where is the consequence? Who can afford that much? The tests are nevertheless vital.

  3. There is an article in the today (Feb 12) ‘How much does a Covid test cost around the world’. Belgium, rapid antigen tests are 3 euros in supermarkets, 6-8 euros in pharmacies. France 1.25 euros in supermarkets, 4-5 euros in pharmacies. Spain, 2.94 euros fixed price in pharmacies. Germany and the UK, free of charge. Thailand around 1.30 euros. So where does this figure of 55 euros in Hungary come from? The most expensive in the world it seems.

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