This Hungarian guy can save the World with reusable energy
A Hungarian-born businessman living in Trenton, United States has come up with an excellent idea of a recycling-method shopping system.
A young, 37-year-old man Tom Szaky with Hungarian origins has become a successful business owner of two companies, TerraCycle and Loop. Tom believes that the future of saving the planet and being environmentally friendly is not in recycling, but rather re-using.
What does that mean? wrote about Tom’s idea with the ‘milkman example’. In the ’60s in the United States, a milkman would come to a house, bringing a glass of milk that you could use. Tom’s business, Loop is something similar, it is the modern version of a milkman’s services, but with more than 300 products. In his opinion, the future’s best solution in consumption is reusing bags, packets, boxes and bottles.
Recycling is not efficient enough!
A really shocking statistic says, since 1960, only 9% of the all-time produced plastic were recycled. The rest of the plastic waste (91% since 1960) polluted our environment, which is unbelievably sad.
“The use of 100% recycled packaging is not feasible in such global supply systems. Recycling is an industry doomed to failure.” – said Tom Szaky, also in Hungary and in the US.
Szaky’s reputation and the future of Loop
Szaky’s other business, TerraCycle is collecting already used diapers, chocolate packages, cigarette stubs, ash to transform them into usable products.
In 2017, as the CEO of TerraCycle, Tom flew to Davos, Switzerland, when Loop was only a half-idea in his mind.
He was surrounded by the CEO’s of companies like Heineken, Alibaba, Walmart or Protect & Gamble at the conference. Interestingly, the leaders of FMCG corporations (companies producing ‘Fast Moving Consumer Goods’) were the first to sit down and negotiate with Szaky and it was not a coincidence.
Companies such as Nestlé, Unilever, Danone and PepsiCo are more than aware of the fact that their consumers find their products’ packages as polluting waste and they are not happy about it. That is why they sat down with Tom Szaky.
Two years after these negotiations, at the 22nd – 25th of January 2019 World Economic Forum, Szaky announced his new idea of Loop. He said the company will be ‘soft launching’ the service in New York, Paris and London this year and in Toronto, Tokyo and San Francisco in 2020.
What Loop offers:
• The customer opens an account online, add products to the virtual shopping cart.
• Loop delivers 300 products at home, like shampoo, diaper, ice cream, mouthwash, liquid detergent.
• Products will be handed in Loop’s special box, full of reusable jars and bags.
• In the US, the delivery is done by UPS delivery.
• The consumer puts the used jars back (unwashed) to the special Loop boxes.
• UPS gathers the used delivery and TerraCycle cleans and disinfects the jars.
• Delivery is free in case you ordered at least 5-7 products.
Briefly about Tom
He was born in Budapest, but they moved abroad with his family. They lived in Germany, the Netherlands and Canada, then Tom went to Princeton University in the USA, which he eventually has quitted to found TerraCycle instead. The first product was worm manure made of worm excrement. The manure was sold in used plastic bottles. TerraCycle has an expected 32 million USD revenue of 2018. Their headquarter is located in Trenton, New Jersey, where previously many Hungarian emigrants settled down.