Dragon Jewelry: Accessory with deep meaning

“I am a mighty symbol of rain that waters the earth. I am the guardian of the mysterious Eastern lands that meet the rising sun. I am the mediator of the earth and the sky who carries your dreams into the Universe. I am a symbol of happiness and a harbinger of change and well-being”- perhaps, this is what a dragon could say if you meet him face-to-face.

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A dragon is a creature respected and loved by many. As a symbol, it is quite complicated. The winged beast simultaneously contains the features of a serpent and bird. It signifies the life-bearing water (as a serpent) and the breath of life (as a bird). Along with that, it identifies the heavenly gods and their earthly embodiments – kings and emperors. 

When choosing dragon jewelry, you can create a bold and stylish image that reveals you as a noble, wise, brave, and generous person. 

Isn’t it nice to know that you have a tiny personal protector resting on your finger? If this idea appeals to you, make sure to get one of the dragon rings for sale!

Many fantasy enthusiasts are absolutely sure that dragons exist. They believe that these creatures live in a parallel astral world, which sometimes collides with ours, human world. In every such manifestation, be it an accessory, drawing, or a statue, there is the spirit of a real dragon! 

Two Sides of the Dragon

Dragons are found in the legends throughout the world, both in the West and in the East. People from the opposite corners of the world envisage these creatures in different ways and give them divergent traits. 

In myths and tales of the Far East and Western Europe, the dragon images are very contrasting. The former are generous and kind while the latter are the embodiment of evil. You should know what your dragon jewelry represents before you put a ring on your finger. There are more than 10 types of dragons that are met in the world’s legends, each with its unique temper and symbolism. Below, we tried to summarize the features of Western and Oriental dragons as well as the meanings they carry in jewelry items.

Dragons of the West

In the Middle Ages, the whole of Europe was obsessed with dragons. Almost every fairy tale mentioned these flying creatures: the dragon kidnapped a beautiful princess, the dragon sent plague to the city, the dragon guards treasures in his cave, and so on. 

According to Christian tradition, the dragon is a symbol of the devil. 

The images of Archangel Michael slaying a dragon personify the war of heavenly forces with evil. The drawings of a saint battling a dragon, in fact, bear the meaning of expelling Satan. Besides Archangel Michael, there are at least 40 more saints conquering dragons.

So, a dragon for Europeans is an evil, cunning, and bloodthirsty monster.

He is the personification of the worst qualities of a man. So why wear a dragon ring if it personifies something bad and vicious? The answer is simple – such an item is a reminder that we must fight our vices every day and endeavor to defeat them, just like knights defeat the fire-breathing serpents.

How to identify the dragons of the West? These mythical snake-like creatures have a long neck and a hefty body covered with scales. Some nations believe that the dragon has three heads (or even more) but the image of a single-headed dragon is more commonplace. The mandatory attributes of Western dragons are the wings and the ability to spew fire.

In jewelry, such dragons are often depicted with open mouths, as if trying to bring down the fiery element on a daredevil who dared to disturb their peace. It is also common for jewelers to add accent details related to knights, such as swords, shields, helmets, etc.

Dragons of the East

Unlike the evil image of the dragon in the West, the dragons of the east are guardians and protectors of men. They can positively and creatively influence a human’s fate. In Asian countries, people believed that dragons can bring good luck, drive away demons, and even reward people with immortality. That’s why virtually every family had amulets depicting these creatures.

The dragon is a symbol of life, light, and power In China. He possesses cosmic energy and commands the forces of nature. The yellow dragon is the totem of the Chinese imperial family. It symbolizes fertility, the rising sun, and divine knowledge. For a regular Chinese, the dragon is a symbol of the male energy Yang.

The Japanese consider dragons to be the creatures whose power and might are second to gods.

They are endowed with tremendous knowledge and wisdom. In the Land of the Rising Sun, the most powerful dragon is Ryūjin. He is the ruler of the seas and oceans. According to legends, his daughter was the wife of the first emperor of Japan.

In India, dragons are classified as creatures called Naga. They rule the waters and bowels of the earth. They are wise and possess innumerable riches. 

Tibetan dragons have absorbed the features of the Indian Nagas and their Chinese counterparts. In Tibet, there are many fairy tales and legends about dragons. Most of the temples are adorned with their images. The locals claim that it is still possible to run into a dragon in the secluded Himalayan valleys. Such a meeting promises great happiness. A talisman adorned with dragons, according to local beliefs, protects against slander and helps maintain an impeccable reputation.

Not only Eastern dragons differ from their Western kinsmen in character but also in appearance. The local dragons can’t fly because they simply do not have wings. The body of these dragons is oblong and slender, just like a snake, with four small limbs and a long tail. The muzzle features a mustache and a rather large nose. The head accommodates scaly growths that continue along the spine.

In jewelry, such dragons are often depicted wriggling around a finger, if it is a ring, or around the neck, if we are talking about a necklace.

Designers try to emphasize their scales and flamboyant colors with engraving and colored enamel. The inlays of precious stones and gems add a pop of color in all-silver or gold-only pieces. Dragons are frequently given red or green eyes represented by rubies or emeralds, as well as depicted with a massive stone in their forehead to stress their intelligence and wisdom.

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