Drastic price surge in all the Hungarian baths

According to the Bathing Association, Hungarian baths could be up to 20-25 percent more expensive. The entrance fee alone costs 1000 forints (€ 2.5) more than last year. The reason for the skyrocketing prices is that municipal companies have not been able to raise their prices for a year and a half because of the Coronavirus pandemic. The government is now giving permission to do so, which is why everyone is raising prices without exception. The increase is due to the energy price explosion and rising wage costs.

Beach prices are increasing

Prices at the Gyula Castle Baths rose last week. The decree which banned municipal companies from raising fees for a year and a half on the grounds of the Coronavirus pandemic, expired in June, rtl.hu reports. 95 percent of spas in Hungary are run by such companies.

The last time spas raised their prices was two years ago.

However, at that time, they increased a lot of their costs. In Gyula, the price of an adult day ticket has gone up from 2650 to 3200 forints (€6,6 to 8). This does not include the adventure pool and sauna.

Prices have also risen in the Hungarian capital. A family of 4 can go to the Paskál Spa for more than 10,000 HUF (€25,1) on weekends. This is 900 HUF (€2,3) more than before.

Tickets are 8.7 percent more expensive in Budapest, while season tickets are 10-14 percent more expensive.

Historic spas popular with foreigners have seen even bigger price rises. Here prices are up to 20 percent higher than before. At the Gellért Spa, for example, an adult ticket costs 7,600 forints (€19,1).

Increased costs

Unlike municipal companies, private companies have been allowed to raise prices in the past two years, and they have done so: just like Flux Thermal Spa in Mosonmagyaróvár. “Unfortunately, costs are eating up the spa, we need another 10-15 percent increase to keep the spa alive,” said Szilvia Husz, sales manager.

According to the Bathing Association, there will be no exceptions, as prices will rise everywhere.

“We will see more drastic price increases. So it will not be 5-10 percent, but 20-25 percent, and for some types of tickets, even higher,” said Zoltán Balogh, Secretary General of the Hungarian Bathing Association.

The reason for the increase is that spa operators have seen their costs rise. Energy prices have increased two to three times. Wage costs have increased, due to this year’s almost 20 percent increase in the minimum wage, index.hu reports. The price of chemicals has also doubled. Some water treatment chemicals are 280 percent more expensive! This is why the price of open-air baths has gone up less, because they do not have to use chemicals.

Read alsoWhat’s next?! Further price increase to come in Budapest’s rental market!

Source: index.hu, rtl.hu

One comment

  1. Mindboggling, that this present Government, the dictatorial style of its AGENDA, is giving blessings approving, the contents contained in the reading of this article.
    NOTHING – is getting CHEAPER in Hungary.
    Latest news the SLAUGHTERING devaluation of the huf/forint against all other major currencys and the Euro – Scary. Markets throughout Europe & Globally have been putting us “on notice” making us aware and expect what we are witnessing, and that the Zenith of this huf/forint devaluation, is still distanced, that will see continual downside to the Hungarian currency.
    Trip to Romai Park to-day, which has been a favourite of ours pre February 2020, taking the NOW ceased Public Ferry, from Virgardo to the Roman Beach.
    Saddened me – the closed up places restaurants, bars and “other” family facilities for a days enjoyment.
    Heartbreaking, and the “misery” caused to operators – pains me.
    Least the operators as such – whatever at Romai Park, can’t be accussed of Greed & Explotation – prices that have NO factual arguement nor substance, why they have drastically risen, simple because – they NO longer have businesses to run.
    What are WE facing in Hungary ?
    The Candour nor Facts of Honesty – will not be seen from this present Government of the Day.
    Veiling of Fact, honesty of transperancy of FACT – that just continues to hit hard on the pockets of citizens – that No end can be SEEN – Calamitous.
    Whats in the “Bag of Tricks” – the next chapter in the PROPAGANDA game, to arise be witnessed coming out of the present Hungarian Government ?
    Watch this space – Carefully – because it will be UGLY.
    Dictatorial in Style of Agenda and Policies – driven by POWER, that citizens do it our way or No Way – is this NOT increasing in the style of Government we live with in Hungary ?

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