These were the favourite holiday destinations of Hungarians in 2017 checked the travel insurances of Hungarians in the 2017 season to find out their top destinations. It turned out that the most popular countries among Hungarians are Croatia, Italy, Greece and Austria.
Based on the travel insurances taken out on the internet, we can draw conclusions about the beloved destinations of individual travellers, since the participants of package tours usually get their insurance from the travel agencies.
Half of those travelling abroad either chose Croatia, Italy, Greece or Austria as their destination, while spending an average of 510 forints/day (~EUR 1.6) on insurance in the case of European tours. This number is 770 forints (~EUR 2.4) in the case of destinations outside Europe.
57% of European trips were done by car, only 27% chose to fly. While in the autumn-spring period 4 or 5 day trips are the most common, people took out insurances for 7 or 8 days in the summer.
Due to the bigger risks of the upcoming skiing season, travel insurances are expected to cost 800 forints/day (~EUR 2.5).
Last year, three fourths of people who took out skiing insurances chose Austrian sky resorts, 8-10% of Hungarians headed to Slovakia, while 4-4% opted for the ski-runs of Italy and France. The average timespan of skiing insurances was five days.
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