There are fewer and fewer children being born in Hungary

The number of births fell by 10 percent in March compared with the same month in the previous year, while deaths went down by 13 percent, according to preliminary data published by the Central Statistical Office (KSH) on Friday.

Meanwhile, the number of marriages went down by 1.9 percent with 3,030 couples tying the knot in the same period.

Fully 6,413 children were born in March, while there were 10,524 deaths, KSH reported.

The natural population loss was 4,111 people compared with 4,926 in March 2023.

Fully 83,222 children were born between April 2023 and March 2024, 7.6 percent fewer than in the same period of last year. Altogether 126,853 people died between April 2023 and March 2024, 4.7 percent fewer than in the same period of last year.

There were 8.1 live births and 14.1 deaths per thousand inhabitants in the first three months.

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  1. Can anyone explain whay the oro family programs are not working? And why so many Hungarians are moving to Austria?

  2. MASSIVE on-going ACCEPTANCE, by Hungarians, from “all stations in life” that we are are country DOOMED to growing and depressive hardships, that are will continue to spread throughout the entire – the “disappearing” Hungarian population.
    Citizens CONFIDENCE – is Crushed, Smashed – taken from them, by the Orban – Fidesz Government – who have DELIVERED us as a country, to this “ill – fated” place we are in, that will WORSEN.

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