Breaking: Fidesz-honoured priest from Kecskemét suspended amid new paedophilia scandal

It appears a new and serious paedophilia scandal is unravelling in Hungary. Father Róbert, a priest from Kecskemét, has been accused of sexually abusing minors over many years. The priest, who had connections with the ruling Fidesz party, was highly regarded within the Catholic Church.

New scandal unfolds

As Szeretlek Magyarország writes, Father Róbert, a parish priest from Kecskemét previously honoured by the Fidesz party, has been suspended following serious allegations of child sexual abuse, according to a report by Népszava. Multiple sources allege that Róbert H. abused minors, including a nine-year-old child, several years ago. Both the Kalocsa-Kecskemét Archdiocese and the Bács-Kiskun County Prosecutor’s Office have launched investigations into the case.

Priest from Kecskemét faces serious accusations

Róbert H., a Catholic priest from Kecskemét, stands accused of sexually abusing minors over a period of many years. It is alleged that some of these abuses took place during events organised by the Nyolc Boldogság Community in Homokkomárom, where youth camps and retreats are held. He reportedly met one of his victims through a church community where clergy and lay believers lived together. Upon learning of the allegations, the Archdiocese of Kalocsa-Kecskemét immediately suspended Róbert H. and initiated a thorough investigation.

Connections to Fidesz

Father Róbert’s links to the ruling Fidesz party have also attracted scrutiny. He was frequently seen in the company of Fidesz politicians and was awarded the Youth for the Community Award by the Fidesz-led Kecskemét municipality in 2017, though he later returned the award. His church was used for Fidesz campaign events, including speeches supporting party candidates

In addition to his political connections, Father Róbert was held in high esteem within the Catholic Church. He was named a titular abbot in July and played a significant role in Pope Francis’ visit to Hungary in 2023. His parish association also received over HUF 100 million (EUR 251,794) in government funding in 2023, some of which was earmarked for sex education programmes.

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  1. There will be a show trial for the election and then he will be pardoned to become the Minister of Family Values

  2. MASSIVE wrong handling from the Cardinal of Hungary – all the titles he wears – Peter Erdo.
    The REASPONSIBILITIES of the Vatican – from His Holiness Pope Francis down – all the “Red Slipper” boys – the “power brokers” of the “inner sanctum” – the “Red Slipper” Princes of the Holy Roman Catholic Church – as is the Hungarian Cardinal – Peter Erdo – this “individual” – what a MOCKERY he has been allowed for DECADES – in what he has been “trolling” himself practicing as in his Priestly Ministry in Hungary.
    The FACTS are there – been there for decade plus, just doing his think, dressed in cleric clothes, white “Dog” Collar round it’s neck and Cardinal – Peter Erno – his Bishops and the Vatican – Holy See – just let it go on and on without any DISPLAY from those RESPONSIBLE – Peter Erdo – Cardinal principally – to “sanction” – “put on notice” this FRAUD of a Catholic Priest, threatening him with EXCUMMUNICATION.
    Repulsive – insulting taking into account that Hungary, of its “dwindling” ageing population say of 9.6 million , that “supposed” 43% are Baptized Catholic’s.
    NO wonder just over 5% – 6% at most – “sit there bums” on a Church pew and involve themselves to PRACTICE being a Roman Catholic of the Holy Roman Catholic Church of Hungary.
    Interesting FACT on the Hungarian Cardinal – Peter Erdo, the years – 22 years a Cardinal of which factually made him as Hungary’s Cardinal – Head of the Holy Roman Catholic Church in Hungary – he has NOT – grow the church at ALL – in fact SHUNK it – diminished numbers that participate in the practice of there FAITH – the Holy Roman Catholic Faith – in Hungary.
    Bit of a “Cream” job does Cardinal Peter Erdo have that in the “real” corporate world – his “tenure” from not PRODUCING growth – would have seen his rightful dismissal DISMISSED.
    “An Aged Institution in Crisis ” it remains, and when you have the likes of the “aged” Cardinal Peter Erdo allowing permitting events and situations contained in this article – no wonder the young, the youth – have no ATTRACTION to becoming practicing Catholics of the Holy Roman Catholic Church of Hungary.
    Cardinal Peter Erdo – again gives CLEAR evidence he certainly is not PAPABILE besides being to ” aged”- to right wing conservative, not ever letting go of pre Vatican 11 times – 1962 back.
    Erdo – time nears PLEASE for his “letter” to Pope Francis – of his RETIREMENT.
    Latin – “Roma lacuta est, causa finita est” – a term meaning translated that when the Pope makes a decision decides – simple is ”
    “Rome has spoken.
    The case is closed.”
    PROBLEM – Cardinal Erdo “up the chain” – to the Vatican – SILENCE, that NO one has SPOKEN.
    Mockery in Behaviour.

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