Fidesz: Soros has built ‘alternative opposition’ in Hungary
Budapest (MTI) – Billionaire George Soros has “pumped” 1.2 billion forints (EUR 3.8m) into his “agencies” in Hungary to “create a new, alternative opposition organisation to keep the legitimate Hungarian government under attack”, Balázs Hidvéghi, communications director of ruling Fidesz, told a press conference on Saturday.
According to Hidvéghi, organisations associated with Soros are all “pro-migration groups, media outlets or political institutions”; they launch attacks on the government’s migration policy and “keep discrediting the government abroad” in return for a “munificent support”.
Hidvéghisingled out the Helsinki Committee and human rights group TASZ as the main beneficiaries of Soros’s support, and insisted that the two organisations had received over 40 percent of the “Soros moneys”. He also mentioned Political Capital and the Eötvös Károly Institute, which he said “constantly attack” the government.
Referring to the government’s proposal to introduce new rules concerning the transparency of civil organisations, Hidvéghi said that “the Hungarian people should know which organisations are financed from abroad and from what sources to influence Hungary’s policies”.
Source: MTI
What a staggering amount of money! That’s surely more than enough to bring down the government of any banana republic.