PHOTOS: Hungarian folk dance record set at Budapest’s Kossuth Square!

In front of the Parliament building, children aged 10 to 14 performed a synchronised dance, followed by a Moldavian Csángó folk dance event, where anyone in Kossuth Square could join in.

Folk dance record set in Budapest

This impressive gathering not only set a new record for the highest number of people dancing the same choreography at the same time in one location but also broke the Hungarian record for the largest Csángó circle dance, reports.

Nearly 1,500 participants joined in the traditional dance.

Folk dance record in Budapest Hungarian Parliament Hungary news
Photo: MTI

The event was organised by the National Student and Leisure Sports Federation (Nemzeti Diák-hallgatói és a Szabadidősport Szövetség) and the Hungarian Dance Academy (Magyar Táncművészeti Egyetem) as part of European Sports Week, which promotes physical activity.

The sports week runs until Sunday and is being held simultaneously in several European capitals.

Hungarian folk dance record Budapest
Photo: MTI/Koszticsák Szilárd
Hungarian folk dance record Budapest
Photo: MTI/Koszticsák Szilárd
Hungarian folk dance record Budapest
Photo: MTI/Koszticsák Szilárd

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