Budapest Fidesz launches new campaign against Mayor Karácsony

Alexandra Szentkirályi, the head of ruling Fidesz’s Budapest chapter, on Saturday called on Budapest Mayor Gergely Karácsony and his administration to reveal how many “foreign-funded agent organisations” they were cooperating with.
“Enough with serving foreign interests and the Brussels-based and Soros networks,” Szentkirályi said in a post on Facebook. She noted that Hungary has decided to send a government commissioner to the United States to “uncover the Hungarian agents” that had been funded by American aid agency USAID.

She said the Budapest city assembly’s Fidesz group had submitted a proposal calling for Budapest Mayor Gergely Karácsony and his administration to reveal how many “foreign-funded agent organisations” they had cooperated with in the 2019 local election campaign and the city council’s day-to-day operations.
Read also:
How many Russian and Chinese funded agent organizations does Fidesz cooperate with?