Foreign men think that Hungarian women are under too much pressure writes that the Pécs-decentrum Cultural Association studied a very interesting question at their club night. They asked foreign men, living in Pécs, about the situation of Hungarian women. They interviewed an Iranian economist, a Dominican international jurist-historian, a Polish linguist and a Dutch historian of art- architectural entrepreneur, who all have Hungarian wives.

According to foreign men, Hungarian women are under great pressure. A lot of times they are left alone in the upbringing of their children and doing housework, they spend little on their own needs and they don’t get enough help in running errands.

The Polish husband said that he was shocked at first when he realised that many women take up their husband’s name with a “-né” posterior constituent.

“I was shocked. A Hungarian woman is either the daughter of her father or the wife of a man. The next shock came at the birth of one of my children. After the birth, I, as the father, got a certificate signed by the head physician, head nurse and the obstetrician for being brave and doing a great job. Tragic!”

The Dominican husband experienced that Hungarian women serve their sons and husbands too much, sometimes even adult men have their mothers attend to them by cooking, cleaning, washing up etc. He also noticed that, although they ask for both parents’ telephone numbers in nursery schools and schools, if there is a problem they only call the mother. “One time I even brought the topic up in the school and told them that I wanted to practice my parental rights and to please call me sometimes if they have something to say.”

“It’s staggering that the majority of Hungarian men leave the upbringing of their children completely up to the mothers. This is bad for exactly three people: the mother, who has to spend all of her time with the children and only has time to do housework in the evening. It’s also bad for the father, who misses out on a lot of amazing things if he doesn’t care for his children. And, of course, it’s bad for the children who need the affection and care of both their parents” said the Dutch husband.

The Iranian husband emphasized that Hungarian women are left alone.

They have to solve all of the problems alone while an Iranian wife gets a lot of help: “if the mother can’t take care of the child there comes the babysitter, if she’s busy, there comes another one.”

Related article: 

According to statistics Hungarian women, among women in other EU countries, almost spend the least amount of money on themselves. Also in the EU, Hungarian women’s self-esteem is the lowest. The foreign men asked at the club night advise Hungarian women to be proud of their virtues and keep their kindness and openness, but don’t keep their sons in the mama hotel. Teach them to look after themselves and how to be a caring future father who respects women.

Copy editor: bm



  1. To the foreign men with all the advice, especially from the middle east! Don’t comment on how the Hungarian women are stressed as if from experience you would understand or then why would you have left your wives this peril. My Hungarian father, made a heck of a lot more income than my mother could have like my family too, and it was in their interests to provide to the family by working long hours. Who the hell, came up with this B.S. story anyway, today as opposed to 20 or more years ago, both parents have to work to provide the extras, where is the reporting on that, which includes DAYCARE!!!!!!

  2. Foreign men are foreign, that’s why they are foreign and we don’t want them near our wives or cultures. Foreign men, worry about your own wives and divorce rates or murders if your in the middle east. What’s worst is the rapefugees and european commissions willingness to let them in to rape our young little virgin women. Is there a news story on this developing yet?????

  3. How old is this article? Really archaic beliefs built off few examples; the women they’re talking about are probably middle aged or older. I’ve met more modern women (since we are talking about nowadays Hungary) who are actually working as opposed to being stay at home wives. Clearly this article didn’t survey a diverse enough audience and picked a few people in one circle, no wonder something like this was written.

  4. Judging by the comments – e.g. “our (!) women” – there is no wonder hungarian women are so crazy about us foreign men and shun medieval Hungarian ones. 🙂

  5. The truth is somewhat in the middle. Yes Hungarian men need to be more self sufficient and stop being momma’ boys this is true. However if Hungarian women stop playing victims they can actually find a person who can help out. Who told them to be with a loser? Everything is always the males fault.. Why? 4 men are not enough for this article… The writer needs a real story to report.

  6. @John Doe,
    If your going to quote someone, “Judging by the comments – e.g. “our (!) women”. How about properly quoting them, “What’s worst is the rapefugees and european commissions willingness to let them in to rape our young little virgin women.”
    Don’t see your point of “there is no wonder hungarian women are so crazy about us foreign men and shun medieval Hungarian ones.”, except to try to take this back into the dark ages. But then that would be true of all cultures. By ‘our wives or cultures’ stated by ‘Csilag’, he’s correct, the news clearly shows Afghanies, chopping the heads of women in the street, just not too long ago. I haven’t heard of anything like that in Europe’s culture lately. 🙂

  7. This is a propagandistic article commissioned by Soros & co. and driven by a feminist agenda. Look at the high divorce rates, high number of single mothers living on benefits, cougars desperately hunting for young men, overaged women in their 40’s still looking for Mr. right, feminised men and macho women, mothers who can’t and don’t want to cook and take care of their children, etc. in Western countries and you will understand why Western societies are falling apart and disintegrating. Traditionalism is the future.

  8. This is a propagandistic article commissioned by Soros & co. and driven by a feminist agenda. Look at the high divorce rates, high number of single mothers living on benefits, cougars desperately hunting for young men, overaged women in their 40’s still looking for Mr. right, feminised men and macho women, mothers who can’t and don’t want to cook and take care of their children, etc. in Western countries and you will understand why Western societies are falling apart and disintegrating. Traditionalism is the future.

  9. I have lived in Hungary for 10 years. I dated a couple Hungarian men who, after a few months of dating, were surprised at my reluctance to do their laundry, cook for them, and clean their house. Some had their mothers looking after them as well… and all were around 30 years old. To me this attitude was shocking as I’d never had a man upset with my disinterest in upholding antiquated ideals of gender roles, or with my surprise that they could not take care of themselves. While there are exceptions, it seems like the expectation here is that the women complete the majority of the housework and parenting. I had never experienced this before in men from my country of origin, who saw no problem in two employed adults splitting domestic duties.

  10. @zsaALMT
    Yes there are these Hungarian man who have grown to suck off moms. Some even pissed me off in there totally in unbelieveable arrogance as i picked up a stunning and wonderfully friendly professional Hungarian lady folk dancer who just dumped her boyfriend. We ended up heading out to a club on the Buda side and ran right into the boyfriend and his buddies inside. I was a 23yo and thought i was going to have a very bad night. My guest handled herself well and told him why she dumped him. I stood by and later left with her. (I was a 3rd degree Martial artist of a professional International Japanese Martial arts club. I wasn’t too concerned about their reprisals. I’m also not Japanese, but a foreign born Hungarian National from Canada.) So i understood the language, the romantic bouncing around, the situation, and the result. Me and her parted as friends, it was just a date. I got to see what i didn’t want and more. I have family with male and female cousins raised in Budapest, i consider normal in my outside world and yet know the inside world, and know that it’s very very diverse. No Hungarian regions will look alike or behave alike as in my travels. I know one thing, the language and culture definitely unite us all wherever we are. So these reports and isolated cases mean totally nothing when trying to describe “HUNGARIAN MEN & WOMAN”.

  11. This article is obviously biased. “A lot of times they are left alone in the upbringing of their children and doing housework, they spend little on their own needs and they don’t get enough help in running errands”. In this, the author refers to the women being left to raise their children and doing the housework. Yes, that is their position in the household as a nurturer to the children. It never mentions anything about the long hours the men have to work to support the family. Both women and men have their appropriate duties in family life. One sided liberal garbage.

  12. @Russian Capitalist
    You make points that are very western conservative, as a capitalist you should know that these former communist libtards are what bring this uncensored bullshit to people in all central and eastern europe. The west have been taken over by the former commie offspring trying to preach that illeberal states are the focus and problem, calling them facist and autoritarian. We’re both going to fix it, just watch.

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