Foreign press compares Hungary’s economy to that of bankrupt Sri Lanka
Experts agree that Hungary would face a huge financial hit if the European Union’s money did not arrive. In a comparison of emerging countries, the Financial Times mentions Hungary and bankrupt Sri Lanka in the same sentence.
Hungary’s economy in peril?
Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor OrbĂ¡n is in a difficult position because of the Hungarian economy. The Hungarian government must bow to the European Union and the country’s investors. This is how the Financial Times begins its article, writing that the government is promising to cut energy price subsidies and tax breaks while offering social reforms to Brussels.
The Hungarian budget deficit is growing, inflation is rising, the forint is weakening and the sell-off in the Hungarian government bond market is worsening the situation of the Hungarian economy. Brussels wants to see OrbĂ¡n and the Hungarian government making some efforts to restore the rule of law. Hungary will not receive the EU recovery funds if the country fails to act.
Read alsoIs the Hungarian government profiteering from the VAT on utility bills?
Mounting pressure
According to ZoltĂ¡n Török, an economist at Raiffeisen Bank, market pressure in Hungary is enormous. Török believes that the government has no other option but to reach an agreement with the European Union, writes. Without EU financial support, there is no chance for the Hungarian economy to grow. Besides, if there is no agreement, it will significantly worsen Hungary’s economic image worldwide.
The British business paper notes that Fidesz won another big victory in the spring elections, which the opposition has yet to overcome.
What does the IMF say?
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) also has its predictions for the future regarding the Hungarian economy. The IMF believes that Hungarian GDP could fall by 6 percent if Russia cut off gas supplies to Europe. The Hungarian National Bank has raised its base rate in vain, inflation is still close to 12 percent. Goldman Sachs analysts say this was not even the peak of the monetary deterioration.
Concerns about the weakness of Hungarian budget revenues sometimes raise questions about whether the government can renew its loans with new borrowing.
Featured image: illustration, anti-government protesters in Colombo
Read alsoProperty prices and rents may fall in Hungary due to expensive gas and energy
Source:, Financial Times
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“Brussels must show OrbĂ¡n and the Hungarian government some efforts to restore the rule of law.” It is the other way around, it is OrbĂ¡n and Hungary that must show Brussels that it is restoring the rule of law. That is for the recovery funds, the much smaller amount of around 5 billion euros. The big chunk of money, the 21 billion euros is also frozen and the release of that is dependent upon the government stopping the blatant corruption – a letter has been sent to the government by Brussels to that effect.
You voted for him. Enjoy!
Hope Hungary will not get one Euro from the EU. No reason to save that corrupt POS.
INDIVIDUAL Trust – the examination of their PERSONAL Conscience – this Hungary – their deepening catclysmic economic & financial disaster – THEY have been the PRINCIPAL Perpetrators/Players -Objectors & Aggetators – by simple NOT being a “Supporter” – under the Laws of Membership – requirements to be, a member of the European Countrys – European Union.
Self Examination – when needing to VOTE or Comment on Hungary – paragraph above, asks PREVALENT penertrating QUESTIONS – prior to making a = PERSONAL Conscience DRIVEN decision.
Hungary – what do I do – what do we do – what is the FUTURE of Hungary ???
Hungarians will now get exactly what they deserve. Unfortunately they were led into this situation by years of propaganda through state controlled media. When the situation is this far gone into autocracy it requires a deep crisis for people to realize that they gone down the wrong path with a government that has fooled them while it lines the pockets of its’ friends. Orban will try to use scapegoats but he is the person in charge and he is the one to blame.