Global Gender Gap Report: Hungary finishes last among EU nations
World Economic Forum has published this year’s Global Gender Gap report. Out of all the 149 countries examined, Hungary finished below the global average at the 102nd place. Hungary had the worst score among all the European nations.
What is this report and what does it measure?
Qubit reports that The Global Gender Gap Report has been recently published, and it is apparent that Hungary is not doing so well regarding decreasing the gap between men and women.
“The Global Gender Gap Index was first introduced by the World Economic Forum in 2006 as a framework for capturing the magnitude of gender-based disparities and tracking their progress over time. The Index benchmarks national gender gaps on economic, education, health and political criteria, and provides country rankings that allow for effective comparisons across regions and income groups.”
In other words, the index measures gender-based gaps in access to resources and opportunities in the countries, across four fundamental categories: Economic Participation and Opportunity, Educational Attainment, Health and Survival and Political Empowerment.
Here are the top countries, who made the most progress regarding the gender gap. Women living in these countries are the closest to economic and political equality.
According to the estimations, it will take 108 years to make the gender gap disappear globally, across all four categories, and it will take approximately 202 more years to achieve equal pay among men and woman who work at similar positions.
Interestingly, the great power nations such as the United States or China have not been doing as well: the U.S. finished 51th, China 103rd.
This is the other end of the same list. Women have the greatest disadvantage in the following countries. (It might not come as a surprise that most of these countries are located in the Middle East).
If we compare the global scores of 2006 and 2018, progress has been made in two categories: economic participation and educational attainment, women’s access to healthcare has been stable, and a significant decline was detected regarding the political empowerment of women.
Hungary’s score
Hungary has made some progress: last year, we were at the 103rd place, and now we are at the 102nd (out of the 149 countries examined). However, if we look only at the European countries, we got the worst scores from them all.
Among the European nations, Slovenia, Latvia and Bulgaria did very well in terms of decreasing the gap between the two genders.
Hungary’s overall score was mostly influenced by the fourth category: political empowerment. The statistics show that Hungary is doing terribly in this department. In terms of economic participation, Hungary is at the 42nd position, regarding Educational Attainment we are the 66th, and regarding access to Health and Survival 68th.
Even though we did relatively well in the other three categories, in terms of political empowerment, Hungary was the 142nd out of 149.
This is due to the very small number of female representatives in the parliament (14 out of 100), the lack of female ministers and female leaders. Hungary did not have a female leader since Maria Theresa of Austria.
If comparing to Hungary’s scores, women’s political empowerment is worse only in Muslim countries and kingdoms.
Featured image: Illustration/Pixabay
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1 Comment
Another stupid report by stupid people for stupid people, nuff said.