Government: Hungary exposed to premeditated attack

Budapest, September 17 (MTI) – Hungarian police have been subjected to a premeditated attack at Roszke on the Serbian border, the government spokesman said on Thursday.

What happened on Wednesday was “a brutal attack, for which there is no excuse,” Zoltan Kovacs said.

The spokesman said it was a lie that the conflict developed out of misunderstanding and denied reports that some migrants had been allowed to enter Hungary before the clashes started.

“Police gave a proportionate response to the attacks launched by armed migrants,” he insisted.

The police have identified a man, believed to be a leader of the riot, who is a Syrian national. Circumstances are now being investigated to establish whether a charge of terrorist act can be raised against him, the spokesman said.

Hungary is committed to protecting the country’s and the EU’s borders, Kovacs said, adding that the EU’s external Schengen borders should be primarily protected in Greece. Hungary is ready to contribute human and financial resources for that purpose, he added.

Hungary has spent more than 200 million euros on strengthening border protection so far this year, whereas received only 7 million for the EU for that project, Kovacs said.

Photo: MTI


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