Great news! Indoor swimming pools in Hungary welcome guests again
After a full chemical and bacteriological check-up, all Hungarian indoor swimming pools, saunas, and thematical elements are allowed to welcome guests again in hotels and thermal baths as well.
Turizmus reported that from June 18, all indoor swimming pools in the country welcome guests again since the state of emergency due to the coronavirus epidemic has come to an end in Hungary. This includes pools smaller than 15 square-metres, like baby pools, thermal pools, jacuzzis, saunas, and steam baths. Although the coronavirus has ended in Hungary, it does not mean that we can forget about it.
Until the epidemic does not end in the world, the Hungarian government obligated citizens to keep the distance, watch out for hygiene, inform themselves about the current safety measures at baths and hotels, and obey the staff’s orders.
The following rules are valid in all Hungarian baths:
- Entering with high fewer and diarrhoea diseases is forbidden.
- Wearing clean slippers is mandatory in the whole area of the establishment. Without it, guests are not allowed inside.
- Before and after using the pools, showering with soap is mandatory with warm water.
- Hand-washing is mandatory as regularly as possible.
- Only a limited number of people can use one pool at the same time; the number is in connection with the size and capacity of each bath’s swimming pools.
- Children’s pools are only allowed for children; adults are forbidden to swim in them.
- Guests must stick to the rules as the staff of the bath is always supervising them and report inappropriate behaviour.
- Keeping the 1.5-metre distance is mandatory.
In dressing rooms, keeping the distance is mandatory, and the stuff sanitises the area regularly. Restrooms are sanitised every hour. Washing hands and keeping a distance is a must along with regularly taking a shower. In swimming pools, only a limited number of people can swim, and the regularly used areas are sanitised every half hour. Eating and drinking in the pool are forbidden.
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