A groundbreaking Hungarian invention reforming education for good

If learning is fun, it takes less time to get extensive knowledge for the younger generations. Therefore, educators have to rely on children’s natural curiosity towards technology and use it for teaching. A Hungarian team called Innobie have developed an application, Eddie, that is based on this concept, as Microsoft.com reports.

Eddie Innobie startup ImagineCup education student school

Using a smartphone is natural for the children today, but the usage of these devices is not included in education. What is more, most of the Hungarian schools forbid using them. However,

modern technology could helpĀ teachersĀ a lot, because experience-based learning is more effective.

Including technology in education is a key, since it has to be the priority of the educational system to give in-depth knowledge to the learners. Modern developments such as Eddie support this concept.

Eddie is a hybrid of the traditional workbooks and modern technology. The application reads special signs in the work book’s pictures. Then, it uses a modern way to introduce the material. This is how teaching becomes cheaper, easier, more modern and more efficient according to Innobie.

Eddie Innobie startup ImagineCup education student school

The team won the national ImagineCup competition that means they get to go to the regional round.

About the competition

Microsoft ImagineCup is a technological competition where participants can introduce their ideas to experts and the press. They receive valuable pieces of advice that help them develop their ideas and business plans. The most important feature of these ideas is that they are innovative. Furthermore, these conceptions can help people in some way.

Further inventions

Are you interested in another great Hungarian invention that makes life easier for people? Read our article about the team that made it to the finals during the latest ImagineCup with their groundbreaking idea, Gloveye.

Gloveye startup blind glove Braille
Photo: www.facebook.com/gloveyeofficial

Featured image and photos:Ā www.facebook.com/eddieapp/

Source: microsoft.com

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