Here is how Former PM Gyurcsány’s party wants to unseat PM Orbán
A left-wing, social democratic government with a strong, social democratic programme “will unseat Viktor Orbán’s regime”, Klára Dobrev, the shadow prime minister of the Democratic Coalition, said on Thursday in Debrecen, in eastern Hungary.
At a campaign event held with other opposition leaders in the city centre, Dobrev declared that Former PM Gyurcsány’s party, DK, was ready to govern. “There’s no time to wait until 2026, so if we win the European Parliament elections, we will demand an early general election,” she said.
Ágnes Kunhalmi, co-leader of the Socialist Party, insisted that cooperation by the three leftist opposition parties would create the strongest left-wing community.
Tímea Szabó, executive co-leader of Párbeszéd-Greens, said without opposition unity and cooperation there would be no hope of Hungary ever becoming a better place to live in.
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- DK: Orbán cabinet imports Chinese police to serve in Hungary – Read more HERE
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1 Comment
Voted out, through near on WRECKING the Hungarian Economy.
No appeal to new generation Hungarians.
Former Prime Minister and his Wife, carry humongous “luggage” that the citizens of Hungary will not show an act of Mercy, nor Forgiveness.
They both are Old Guard – living in the past, that have had there time in Political Life in Hungary, had there OPPORTUNITIES, but the legacies of there achievements muchly outweighed by the NEGATIVES, that are another STRONG reason why the former “Disgraced” Prime Minister of Hungary and his 4th Wife – should be REMOVED, told to RETIRE and leave Political life in Hungary.
The Former Prime Minister – longer he stays around, the DEEPER the probability of seeing Orban – Fidesz remain in POWER grows.
Gyurcsany – is personally, the sheer mentioning sighting of his name or any reference to HIM is a CRAZED political agenda in Hungary, from an OPPOSTION perspective – he is “Dead Wood” – as he is TRULY past his Use by Date, which includes his present Wife, who to should retire, and spend more time in the kitchen.
It’s a YOUNG man’s generation, of modern time – the SPARK that needs to be DRIVEN instilled into the OPPOSTION opposing the Fidesz / Orban regime.
The FUTURE of Hungary, drive just that POINT but not presented by the likes of Gyurcsany nor his wife – who are past it, had there chances and opportunities that have no WARMTH nor attraction that will come from the citizens of Hungary.