Here is how former PM Gyurcsány’s party wants to protect Hungarian children

Klara Dobrev, the shadow prime minister of the opposition Democratic Coalition (DK), unveiled a ten-point child protection programme advocating an increase in financing for family subsidies and institutions for children in a video posted on Facebook on Sunday.
Dobrev said the “failed system of state institutions” shared the blame, along with paedophiles and their accomplices, for the victims at the Bicske children’s home.
She said DK would introduce tougher sanctions for people who commit paedophile crimes and their accomplices, while setting up committees to probe suspected paedophile crimes at state and church institutions. She underscored the need to establish more effective protection and support for victims with the involvement of civil organisations.
She said adoption should be allowed for all families, including single parents and people living in registered partnerships, in which children can grow up in a loving, caring community. She added that poverty should not be grounds for removing children from their families.
The plan also presses for increased financing for children’s homes.
She said family subsidies ought to be doubled to eliminate child poverty.
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Klara Dobrev is not a “shadow prime minister”, or even “leader of the opposition” in any meaningful sense. She is, in reality, the leader of one part of a sprawling opposition coalition that has little chance of success, and she, like the rest, is content to draw her generous MP’s salary, with no serious intent of ever having to do or say anything she will ever be help accountable for. Meanwhile her husband, the biggest impedement to any progress this or any other party in the opposition coalition might make refuses to leave the political stage, thus almost guaranteeing the continuation of the present government.
Concur – Falland.
They are absolute BLOCKAGES – both of them, for any CHANCE, which remains, an improbability, for the SUPPOSED opposition(s) – the “ridding” Hungary of its present “corrupt” Orban led Government, that continues to DESTROY Hungary.
WHO are going to be attracted draw to vote for the “Disgraced” former Prime Minister of Hungary, voted out of office by the citizens of Hungary, and his Wife, who, what is her drawing card strength or what has she achieved got to offer Hungary for it’s FUTURE ?
These (2) two there combined NEGATIVITY to the FUTURE of Hungary – is ZERO yes ZERO.
“Sprawling Opposition” that through to many, that a totally in-effective to have any IMPACT, that would be POSITIVES to Hungary now and in the FUTURE.
Hungary needs a massive CULLING of opposition party’s in it’s Political System.
Through “dead wood” numbers in opposition parties they just play politics against each other “brawling” pulling each other apart, that NEVER NEVER NEVER whilst the numbers exist will they be able to come to a Common Ground – agreed position of Policies, that together they are a forceful, constructive to be “Feared” somewhat – opposition – to the present Orban led Hungarian Government.
The CULLING process – could be a way forward for Hungary, instead of the perilous abyss it DESCENDS under Victor Orban and his Fidesz Government, the Political Party that Orban leads.
Gyurcsanyi’s reign is characterized by selling out Hungarian industry and bankrupting the country.
Now, Dobrev, who was against the Child Protection act is ready to let pedophiles adopt children. She is probably in favor of gender brainwashing. Anyone who loves children should not be fooled by Dobrev, she supports all socialist EU policies, e.g., LBGT+ rights are more important than all citizens’.
Yeah… whoop, whoop Hungary. Opposition bad, Orban good.
Not all pedophiles are equal there are good and bad pedophiles and the good ones should be give pardons, the bad one cut up and fed to the opposition.
Dear Demjen F. One mistake does not characterize all actions, so far only one criminal that abetted a pedophiliac was pardoned. That was a big mistake.
The true guilty party is the criminal and the person that allowed molestation of children.
I am almost sure that you are aware of criminal activities occurring all over the world. Therefore, it is childish to say that everyone on this world is a criminal. Place the guilt on the guilty.