Here is PM Orbán’s new ally to hack the EU: Macron and the French plutocracy

It seems more and more French companies will get profitable business in Hungary due to the weakening German-Hungarian economic relationship. The cooperation spans from the energy sector to the buying up of the Budapest Airport, also in the ownership of a German company. Macron and Orbán will hack the EU together and pave the way for an unprecedented Paris-Budapest alliance changing the entire Central European region?

Historically, the French and Hungarians were never allies or even friends. Traditionally, Hungary is part of the German world. Now, we are the backyard of the astonishing German industrial power. However, reports say that Germany’s flagship, the carmaking industry is struggling. Furthermore, during the Merkel leadership, Hungary provided tax exemptions, administrational support, etc. for German companies to make huge profits here (and take it out from the country). In return, Merkel allowed Orbán to get all the EU funds, and Brussels’ criticism never crossed “the Rubicon”.

But Merkel is in the past, Olaf Scholz did show respect towards Orbán during the latter’s visit in 2022 in Berlin. A high-ranking government official said Orbán developed the impression that Hungary is no longer for the Germans, Válasz Online wrote. Therefore, he started to search for new ties.

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France can be a surprise for many, knowing the history of Hungary. In the 19th century, famous Hungarian poets, thinkers, writers, and politicians regarded France and the French Revolution as a pattern for Hungary. But by the end of the 19th century, that admiration was gained, and the Peace Treaty of Trianon (1920) after the lost WWI, during which Hungary lost 2/3rd of its territory and 1/3 of its Hungarian population, gave the final blow to it. Interestingly, there were negotiations in 1920 to e.g. sell the MÁV to the French to have favourable borders, but such plans died quickly. Hungary remained on the pro-German, anti-France side.

Orbán and Macron

After Orbán’s landslide victory in 2010, life for French companies became challenging. For example, the government put the French out of the cafeteria business in 2012 even though they had to pay a HUF 20 billion compensation later. That attitude changed after 2015-2016.

Macron and Orbán started to cooperate when they overthrew Manfred Weber from the presidency of the European Commission together. And after Merkel’s retirement, Scholz’s inauguration and Germany’s developing negligation, Orbán seems to have turned towards Paris.

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The cooperation affects many sectors. One is the political sphere. Orbán no longer meets any of the leading European politicians regularly. The only exception is Macron: they met three times in the last four years for bilateral talks. Moreover, the French may provide nuclear fuel for the Paks NPP instead of Russia. Additionally, there are ambitious plans in the making. One is the joint buyup of the Budapest Airport with the French Vinci Airports. The other is an ultra-high-speed railway project connecting Bucharest with Budapest following the French dream of linking together Central European capitals with such trains.

France’s ally in the Central European region were Poland and Romania. But they became too “pro-USA” in the last few years. Therefore, Orbán’s turn is favourable for Paris for two reasons. They can break into “Germany’s backyard”, and find a new ally in the region. That plan may ricochet if Trump gets elected though because Hungary would probably order American F-35 fighters instead of the French Rafales.


One comment

  1. Nice story and theory, hoping some of it is true. The likelyhood of Hungary buying F-35s @ 1 billion a pop, unlikely with their GDP. The Grippens they have were refurbs, are as proven and suit the purpose. The Rafaels, are dino’s and need a ground up redesign.

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