Holy Cross Hungarian Church in Detroit hosts mass mob opener

The Holy Cross Hungarian Church in Detroit, Michigan, hosted the opening event of the church visit scheme Detroit Mass Mob 2018 on Sunday.
The annual scheme first held five years ago in Detroit aims at promoting the liturgical traditions of participating churches and also involves collecting donations for the church and its community.
The opener was attended Donald F. Hanchon, auxiliary bishop of Detroit, and Hungarian Consul General Zita Bencsik from Chicago.
Hanchon told MTI that former Prince Primate of Hungary, Cardinal József Mindszenty visited the church in 1974 and the photos taken at the occasion are treasured memories of the community.

Local minister and friar Barnabás Kiss told MTI that the church is regularly attended by some 400-500 families.
The Holy Cross Hungarian Parish was established in 1905 in Delray and the cornerstone of the current church was consecrated in 1925.
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Feautured image: Diane Dawson Wilks
Source: MTI