Hundreds of thousands of Hungarian believers in Csíksomlyói búcsú – PHOTOS

Hundreds of thousands of believers from Hungary, Transylvania and other places around the world, make the pilgrimage to Csíksomlyó (Sumuleu Ciuc)  at Pentecost. We collected the best pictures: 

President highlights message of reconciliation in pilgrimage homily

Hungarian President János Áder stressed the message of reconciliation in a homily delivered at a pilgrimage in Sumuleu Ciuc (Csíksomlyó), Romania, on Saturday.

“Peace was the central message of Bishop András Veres’s homily,” Áder told journalists after the celebration of the mass.

“We must make peace with ourselves as well as create peace within our families, communities, cities and countries. It would be welcome if this message was heard by as many people as possible,” he added.

Photo: MTI

Áder noted that he was participating in the annual pilgrimage for the fifth time since taking the office of president.

Photo: MTI

Source: MTI

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