Hungarian government: Illegal immigration must be stopped to reduce the threat of terrorism
It is clearly demonstrable and can be stated as a fact that there is a connection between immigration and terrorism, the Minister of State of the Ministry of Interior said at his press conference, goverment’s press release.
Károly Kontrát argued: the illegal immigration which is currently affecting Europe has a number of serious consequences. These have health care implications as well as implications of a social, cultural and economic nature. But it is an even graver consequence that the threat of terrorism has become permanent in Europe. He added: more than 300 people have died in Europe as a result of terrorist attacks since mass illegal immigration started, and these attacks were committed by terrorists „with an immigrant background”.
As he said, in each instance, these attacks were committed against European culture, Christian Europe and the European way of life, and attacks of this nature may occur anywhere, at any time.
He also said that according to the information of the various intelligence services, Interpol and NATO, there may be hundreds of terrorists in Europe.
The Minister of State told the press: European governments and parliaments are implementing a variety of measures with a view to minimising the threat of terrorism. The Hungarian Government first adopted a counter-terrorism action plan, and Parliament later voted for a counter-terrorism legislative package, in the wake of which the Counter-Terrorism Information and Criminal Analysis Centre was set up. The Penal Code, the police legislation and the Fundamental Law have been amended, and the Government has decided on allocating additional funds to the agencies engaged in counter-terrorism activities on a number of occasions.
He pointed out: the threat of terrorism must be reduced, and this is possible by stopping illegal immigration. He took the view that the European Union’s flawed immigration policy is not following this line of thought, despite the fact that – in the opinion of the Minister of State – as long as the borders of the European Union remain unprotected, the threat of terrorism will continue to prevail. In his view, the EU should reconsider its position also for this reason.
He found it important that Hungarian citizens will have the opportunity to state their opinion on Brussels’ immigration policy and to say no to forced settlement at the referendum to be held on 2 October.
Mr Kontrát also stressed that Hungary observes the Schengen border controls protocol as well as the Geneva Convention, and provides an opportunity for migrants to enter the country’s territory legally and to submit their asylum requests. Hungary takes a share in the care provided for asylum-seekers beyond its strength, and stops and registers refugees, he added.
In answer to a journalist’s question, the Minister of State said regarding Hungary’s exposure to the threat of terrorism: it continues to remain medium-level. He added: the counter-terrorism coordination committee continuously monitors and analyses the situation, last met two days ago, and if warranted by the circumstances, proposes the adoption of the necessary decisions.
He stressed: the Hungarian intelligence services are doing everything they can to keep the Hungarian people safe and secure. Mr Kontrát also spoke about the 20 August state celebrations. In this context, he highlighted that the operational corps will continuously monitor the celebrations, and the people’s security is their primary consideration.
Photo: MTI
Source: Press release –
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1 Comment
Would you please fix the spelling error in your headline? It’s embarrassing.