Hungarian air force provided security to millions of Europeans

Budapest, March 4 (MTI) – The Hungarian air force provided security to tens of millions of Europeans during the four months when it protected the airspace for the Baltic countries and Slovenia, the defence ministry’s state secretary said on Friday.

gripen-hungary-3Tamás Vargha told the ceremony at the Kecskemét air base celebrating the tenth anniversary of Hungary putting JAS-39 Gripen jets into service that this is also the time to pay tribute to Hungarian pilots for their services. Over the past four months, they were responsible for the safety of Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Slovenia, he added.

Hungary has joined the ranks of NATO states that are able to use their air forces on missions beyond the country’s borders, he said. The Baltic states will again count on Hungary’s cooperation in this field during 2019, he added.




Photo: MTI, Cook Communications 



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