Hungarian ambassador to Washington: Hungary wants to remain a Christian country

“Hungary is a Christian country and wants to stay that way,” Hungary’s ambassador to Washington, László Szabó, said at an event in the Westminster Institute in McLean, Virginia.

In his talk on European identity and migration at the conservative think-tank, Szabó said Hungary’s constitution expresses the will of Hungarians and their conviction that

Hungary is a Christian state that has been around for a thousand years. “That matters.”

The wording of the constitution concerning its Christian foundations “is not exclusionary; it is not directed against anyone. Rather, it is the expression of self-determination.”

European Jewish-Christian culture, he insisted, was under attack in Europe. Ever since “the crisis” began in 2015, the number of terrorist attacks on the continent “has doubled”, he said, referring to so-called no-go zones in Sweden. Szabo said there was a difference between refugees and migrants. Anyone escaping war or a disaster should be helped and provided security, he said. Migrants arriving in Europe for financial benefits and a better life, however, should be sent back, he added.

Migration cannot be made a basic right.”

“It is clear that most migrants are Muslim and they don’t want to integrate into the host society,” Szabó said. “Ninety percent of migrants are young men of military age who, when they enter at the border, do not want to give their fingerprints and cite their religion when refusing to be photographed,” he said.

“The border fence is not beautiful but it is useful. We did not close our borders; we simply want to check who comes into the country,” Szabó said.

As we wrote yesterday, US businessman David B. Cornstein, President Donald Trump’s nominee for ambassador to Hungary, has said that he would work to promote his country’s business interests as well as democratic values on his mission. At a hearing in the US Senate on Wednesday, Cornstein said his primary focus would be strengthening bilateral ties and promoting such democratic values as the freedoms of expression, media, and religion. Read more HERE.

Source: MTI


  1. […] “Este clar că majoritatea migranților sunt musulmani și nu doresc să se integreze în societatea gazdă“, a spus Szabó. “90% dintre imigranți sunt tineri de vârstă militară care, atunci când intră la graniță, nu doresc să-și dea amprentele și să spună ce religie au și refuză să fie fotografiați“, a mai spus el, scrie DailyNewsHungary. […]

  2. […] “Este clar că majoritatea migranților sunt musulmani și nu doresc să se integreze în societatea gazdă“, a spus Szabó. “90% dintre imigranți sunt tineri de vârstă militară care, atunci când intră la graniță, nu doresc să-și dea amprentele și să spună ce religie au și refuză să fie fotografiați“, a mai spus el, scrie DailyNewsHungary. […]

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