Hungarian Catholic Church goes against Pope Francis concerning blessing same-sex couples

Pope Francis approved letting Catholic priests bless same-sex couples on 18 December. However, the Hungarian Catholic Church has a more conservative standpoint and rejects to follow Pope Francis.

Francis’s decision is a radical shift in policy concerning the blessing of same-sex couples. While it maintains the church’s strict ban on gay marriage, it opens a loophole for those living their lives as same-sex couples and seeking church blessing.

LGBTQ+ advocates, of course, want more and slammed the Vatican for treating same-sex couples inferior to heterosexual couples. That is because the blessing has several restrictions. For example, “the blessings cannot use set rituals or even involve the clothing and gestures that belong in a wedding”, AP News wrote.

However, it seems that for the Hungarian Catholic Church, even that is too much. According to the statement of the Hungarian Catholic Bishops’ Conference (HCBC) issued on 27 December, Hungarian Catholic priests are only allowed to bless same-sex couples as individuals and not together. As a result, collective blessing for a same-sex couple continues to remain forbidden in Hungary, Szeretlek Magyarország wrote.

Read also:

  • Sziget Festival in trouble: government office investigation over LGBTQ video – Read more HERE
  • The head of the Hungarian National Museum is fired, the whole world is up in arms



  1. Laughable in the first place, that the ultra, very, very conservative Cardinal of the Hungarian Catholic Church, Peter Erdo, would have been happier in his priesthood pre Vatican 11 – was high on the list, to become the next Pope of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, on the death of Pope Francis.
    Factual example why under Cardinal Erdo’s leadership, the Holy Roman Catholic Church of Hungary, has declined through his conservatism, “bums” on pews continue to decline, his in-ability displayed open in its demeanour & style, his words from the Pulpit, his writings and publications – in a pastoral and priestly practice, his lack of adaptation, to the need of the Holy Roman Catholic Church – to be a church of the 21st century, and not an AGED Institution that remains in Crisis.
    Cardinal Erdo has NOT grow – injected new life into the Holy Roman Catholic Church of Hungary but retained its pre Vatican 11 position, of being CONSERVATIVE – that continues to DRAG the Hungarian Roman Catholic Church down into a lowering abyss.
    Rome has spoken, the case is closed – English translation of the latin title of my commentary.

  2. FV is correct and that goes for any organization that receives funding from or does any kind of business in any way that connected to the government. Your organization could even have nothing to do with the government and find itself subject to government persecution should it publicly advance social views contrary to Fidesz.

  3. Oh great. First, we go against the EU, then the U.S., now the Pope. But give our blessings to Trump, Putin etc. The Hungarian church is not exactly on the high moral ground for this while our govenment supports a proven rapist like Trump and a war criminal like Putin and they stay quiet.

  4. WRONGFULLY – the Holy Roman Catholic Church of Hungary – are the largest land owners in Hungary.
    There retainment of wealth tied up under title, that is NOT shared out with baptized Hungarians that represents 44% of our total population, of which just 9% actually practice there FAITH, sit there “bums” on pews inside a Catholic Church, another FACT that confirms, beyond reasonable doubt, Cardinal Peter Erdo has not grown nor enriched the Holy Roman Catholic Church in Hungary, the years he has been Cardinal,
    “Puppet on a String” to the Orban Government, bowing to there ways, dominance again exposed of Politics over Church, in Hungary, the illumination of DEMOCRACY, that is totally against the BLESSED words given to Hungary, in his first visit to Hungary as Pope Paul 11 in August 1991:
    ” Be mindful of the Blessings that Freedom, which you Hungary have Definitively secured means for your FUTURE.
    Cherish it and make Good of your Liberty.”
    Cardinal Peter Erdo, ignorance failure to PREACH this teach it, instruct to his fellow “Brother” priest throughout Hungary, the depth of the message of one of his personal (2) two favoured Popes, the Pope who “elevated ” him to Cardinalship, of insult, to now Saint Pope John Paul 11.
    Pope Francis – his words:
    “A poorer Church is spiritually a RICHER Church.”
    Is this not another FAILING of Cardinal Peter Erno, not following the words from whom occupies the Chair of St. Peter in Rome ?
    What is going to breath life – new life into the Holy Roman Catholic Church in Hungary ?
    Cardinal Peter Erdo has had decades of opportunities but has Failed in the “renaissance” of Catholicism in Hungary, and should step aside, for time has past him by, that his impact to draw “lost souls” back into, to practice there Faith, to grow numbers back to sit in the “ghostly” empty pews in our Catholic Churches, to grow numbers being baptized into the Holy Roman Catholic Church, it is clearly demonstrated for the Good of the Holy Roman Catholic Church in Hungary – a new younger “Bouncer” leader of the Holy Roman Catholic Church – is URGENTLY needed.
    History the Holy Roman Catholic Church, not “healed” by Cardinal Peter Erdo, still behaves like a “Scared” Soul.
    Noli Timer” appears 70 times in the Bible.
    Translated from latin to English means – Don’t be Afraid.
    Whats the FEAR that keeps invading controlling Roman Catholic of Hungary?
    St Paul to the Roman:
    8 : 31-34 – known as his Gospel of HOPE – the POWER in these Words – wake up MESSAGE for Hungary, it won’t come from our present Cardinal :
    ” If God is with US, who can be against US.”
    Amen I say.

  5. History Never Lies.
    Read the youth of Hungary, through all ages of Roman Catholic Hungarians, give your-selves a History lesson, if you are un-ware of the Hungarian Cardinal – Jozsef Mindszenty
    In summary, not like Cardinal Peter Erdo, present Cardinal of the Holy Roman Catholic Church in Hungary, as other commentators have rightfully drawn attention to, rather spineless on-going he remains in his position, letting our Church continuously be dictated to by the Victor Orban led Government of Hungary.
    Cardinal Mindszenty – would be appalled at the lack of leadership that throughout his years of Cardinalship of Hungary, that Peter Erdo, has displayed.
    Strength and Purpose, the belief and conviction, the commitment of Leadership, what he stood for – for Hungary, Cardinal Jozsef Mindszenty – 1892-1975 – it could be said, as has rightfully been recorded written was of Martyrdom,
    Blessed be His Holy name, what he gave Hungary, “shed blood” for Hungary, wanted for Hungary, never taking a back-ward step, nor “rolling over to Political manipulation and interference, complete opposite, to the “Passive” leadership style of Cardinal Peter Erdo, and his achievements, throughout his earthly life, that saw, in February 2018 the veneration of his Holy name – granted him by Pope Francis.
    What “chalk & cheese” they are Cardinal Mindszenty & Cardinal Peter Erdo.
    The FUTURE of the Holy Roman Catholic Church of Hungary, as a country, we get drawn closer to a dictatorship, the name I would vote to handle this erroneous on-going evaporation of Catholicism in Hungary would be Cardinal Mindszenty.
    Pope Pius X11 – re Cardinal Mindszenty – Trial & Conviction, spoke in St Peters Square in Rome, to a gargantuan crowd, 0n the 12th February 1949.which had gathered to protest the Cardinals show trial and conviction.
    His Holiness asked ;
    “Do you want a Church that departs from the unshakeable foundations upon which foundered her, taking the easy way of adapting herself to the opinion of the day; a Church that is a Prey to current trends ; a Church that does not condemn the suppression of conscience and does not stand up for Liberty of the people ; a Church that locks herself up within the four walls of her temple in unseemly sycophancy, forgetting the divine mission received from Christ ?
    “Go out the cross roads and Preach the People” my beloved sons and daughters Spiritual heirs of numberless confessors and martyrs ! Is this the Church you venerate and Love ? What you recognize in such a Church the features of your Mother ? Would you be able to imagine a Successor to St Peter submitting to such demands ? ”
    The reply to the Holy Father – Pope Pius X!! was one like thunder ringing out – NO.
    In these “Blessed” words spoken by Pope Pius X11 – Cardinal Peter Erdo – SHOULD “examine” his conscience, for he has not led, nor practiced, asked questions, taken a position of rejection nor opposition – to the Orban Governments CONTROL over him, which is Reprehensible, that inflicts a Mortal wrongdoing of the people, the baptized Roman Catholics of Hungary.

  6. If only there was a resource to look at to see who’s right. Oh, there is!

    “For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. Their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural, and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in their own persons the due penalty for their error” (Rom. 1:26–27).

    “Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Cor. 6:9–10).

    “Now we know that the law is good, if any one uses it lawfully, understanding this, that the law is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, immoral persons, homosexuals, kidnappers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine” (1 Tim. 1:8–10).

    “Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise acted immorally and indulged in unnatural lust, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire” (Jude 7).

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