Hungarian ecumenical prayer week gets under way
Cardinal Péter ErdÅ‘, Hungary’s Catholic leader, stressed the importance of the centres of Christian faith and “missionary spirit” at the opening of an ecumenical week of prayer in the Evangelical Church in Budapest’s Deák Square on Sunday evening.
“Today, when we feel that our culture is going through a deep crisis, we have a need for centres of deep, Christian knowledge and faith like monasteries were in the Middle Ages,” the Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest said.
“But courage and missionary spirit are also needed so that we can reach people with completely different customs and cultures and bring them the liberating Gospel of Christ,” ErdÅ‘ added.
Zoltán Balog, the head of the Synod of the Hungarian Reformed Church, said that without God’s will and message, it did not matter “if our social acceptance is high, if our institutional system is getting stronger and if everything seems to be going fine”.
“Because things can and will only be fine if God speaks and we all hear it,”
Balog said.
Cardinal Peter Erdo – is just Preaching the Words of the Holy Father – Pope Francis, who speaks often of the Roman Catholic Church – being Missionary.
Saint Dominic tells us :
“We must sow the seed not hoard it”.
All religious mumbo jumbo is bad for one’s mental health. It should carry a government health warning like tobacco.