Hungarian Franz Liszt Academy among the best 100 institutions in the world

The British Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) recently shared their ranking regarding the best universities of arts, and the Hungarian Franz Liszt Academy is the third institution in Central Europe which got featured on the list.
[button link=”” type=”big” newwindow=”yes”] Hungarian universities among the best in the world[/button]
Szeretlek Magyarország reported that QS usually makes categories between the 51st and 100th best institutions, and in one of the categories, they chose the Hungarian institution as one of the best ones. The other two institutions are the Estonian Academy of Music and Arts and the Bolsoj Ballett Institution.
Experts ranking the universities for QS’s list take five criteria into consideration.
The first is the reputation of the university. To measure this data, experts asked approximately 80 thousand local experts’ opinion. This criterium takes 40% out of the other five.
According to the statistical measurements, the Hungarian academy’s reputation stands out not just in Hungary but all across the world because many of the academy’s professors take part in international conferences.
The second criterium is the scientific research the universities conduct each year. Experts examined nearly 13 million researches’ 66 million references.

The third one is the number of students and professors. The Franz Liszt Academy got a great score in this criterium because one professor can teach and practice with more than one student in a semester.
The fourth one is the number of students with a degree who got a job in the field of music, and the opinion the employers have of them. The academy’s graduate students are welcome all over the world.
Many of them play at the biggest concerts in the world, for example in Vienna.
The fifth criterium examined the number of foreign professors and students. 20% of the Hungarian academy’s students come from foreign countries.
Only Semmelweis University has a higher percentage.
[button link=”” type=”big” color=”orange” newwindow=”yes”] Semmelweis University among the world’s best 500[/button]
Featured image: Wikimedia Commons by Christo