Hungarian Govt: Online ads abroad aim to highlight dangers of migration

The government’s online advertisements targeted at foreign markets aim to draw attention to the massive migration pressures at Hungary’s southern borders, the Government Information Centre said on Thursday.

“The migrants storming our borders are not unfortunate people but terrorists … who have been violently attacking our border guards,” the centre said in a statement. “Everyone in Europe needs to know this.”

Last year 173,000 migrants tried to enter Hungary, and there have been more and more armed attacks against border guards, it said, adding that the ads contained video evidence of some of the attacks.

Decision-makers in Brussels need to be reminded that Hungary has received no financial help whatsoever for protecting the EU’s external border, the statement said, adding that the EU migration package currently being finalised would only worsen the situation by introducing the mandatory distribution of migrants while overriding the strict migration procedures enforced in Hungary, it added.

Source: MTI


  1. Why did mafia Pedofidesz release over a thousand migrant traffickers from prison last year if migrants are a danger? Pedofidesz wants this problem to continue so that they can make politics out of it and turn Hungarians against the EU

  2. Nice. All refugees should be qualified as terrorists until proven otherwise? Set up those detention camps!

    Re attacks on border guards – unless this is self defense (rumors of violence by border guards) this is obviously reprehensible. However considering that most refugees travel just with a small backpack, we can assume that the armed, aggressive element is composed of people traffickers. Which to @Larry’s point are being released in significant numbers by our Politicians.

    Re “not receiving money” … FRONTEX usually renders assistance – however they ended up pulling out at some point due to Hungarian human rights abuses in which they did not want to be complicit:

    Re the “illegal immigrants” … Perhaps the Frontex information sheds some light.

    Note the proportion of Syrians, Afghans and Palestinians… Their situation can be particularly dire:

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