Hamas, ISIS, Al-Kaida terrorists, arms come to Hungary

A report has been prepared by the intelligence services concerning the serious consequences of migration which should be made available to all Hungarians, the group leader of ruling Fidesz said in Ásotthalom, near the Serbian border, on Thursday.
“Everybody should see what is going on as regards migration and the terrorist threats posed to Hungary and to the whole continent,” Máté Kocsis said, adding that he would initiate releasing the report to the public.
Bence Rétvári, a state secretary of the interior ministry, cautioned about the activities of people-smuggling networks, which he said were becoming “more and more organised”. “Only this year, they have earned more than one billion euros through their business,” he said.
In a post published later, Kocsis said that terrorists and arms of Hamas, ISIS and Al-Kaida arrive in Hungary on different migrant routes. Therefore, those protecting the Southern borders are real heroes.
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