Hungarian left doing Brussels’ bidding?

The left is doing the bidding of Brussels when it attacks the National Consultation, the ruling Fidesz party’s press chief, István Hollik, told public radio in an interview broadcast on Sunday.
He insisted that Ferenc Gyurcsány had called for Ukraine to be admitted to the EU immediately. In that case, he added, the EU would find itself in the middle of the war.
Also, he questioned whether the EU had worked out how much money would be needed to reconstruct Ukraine or where the money would come from. Money for this may be taken away from EU member states, he suggested.
Meanwhile, regarding the sovereignty protection law, Hollik said there was a general consensus that parties running in an election should not accept money from abroad. He said the left had broken this understanding in 2022 and exploited loopholes, and an amount of dollars equal to 4.5 billion forints had “rolled” in which they used to campaign.
The government therefore decided to review the laws and close the loopholes. This was the essence of the sovereignty protection law, he added.
The Fidesz press chief said opposition Momentum had submitted a bill to parliament which the Soros network had had a hand in preparing, and as well as being against Hungary’s interests, the bill would benefits others such as the United States.
He also singled out the Political Capital think-tank as an organisation that was attempting to influence Hungarian politics.
Hollik underlined that Hungary would not back additional EU budget spending for Ukraine, because the money would be used to buy weapons and would prolong the war.
Meanwhile, speaking on the same programme György Bakondi, the prime minister’s chief adviser on domestic security, said there is not a single day in Europe when a terrorist act was not being committed or attempt made, or that the intelligence were working to prevent one from happening.
He said people smugglers, besides making massive financial profits, were bringing masses of people illegally into the territory of sovereign states, ignoring border regulations and security requirements.
He said 174,000 illegal entrants and more than 1,000 people smugglers have been caught so far this year, far more than in previous years except for 2015.
The Serbian leadership, meanwhile, deployed special police units in recent weeks due to deteriorating public security, and a large number of people smugglers were caught and weapons, ammunition, drugs, and fake documents seized, he said. Thanks to this effective police action, “the number of daily attempts has fallen and we are also stopping them at the fence,” he added.
Read also:
- Hungarian left’s election campaigns financed from Brussels? – Read more HERE
Ukraine and Moldova were added last summer to the queue of official European Union candidates, which already comprises Albania, Serbia, Kosovo, Turkey, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, with Georgia in the active application process. Then there is Kosovo in a stabilization agreement with other Balkan states…
I believe our Politicians have been clamoring for the Balkans to be admitted ASAP, however, Hungary as a net recipient would logically not carry the burden, unless our Politicians are offering to chip in. Fearful of their “fair share”, though!
Ukraine’s access would require major structural changes within the EU, I don’t think anyone is disputing this. Let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves, though. For reference, the Balkans have been at this candidate business for a decade.
Re the National Consultation – let’s be honest. We all know what is intended for. Nothing “objective” about this census. If anyone was in any doubt, the adverts speak volumes, and this is what is also being shown in other EU Member States to demonstrate the state of play in Hungary. Tourists point and are surprised – some do not believe this really happens!
So. 1000 people smugglers were caught this year – assuming not all of these have been convicted, yet … And then, our Politicians released more than 1400 of them? “They are so dangerous”! Or are they endangering our border guards? Oh, the irony.
Stop projecting, Victor. The “left” is actually those in favor of a fair judiciary, an open bidding process and the end of your “emergency” rule of law that attempts to bankrupt our capital because they will not bow to you. Hungary is a recipient of EU funds, we do not contribute more than we take, but you and your friends take more than you should. Without the EU Hungary would have far less millionaires. I hope your handlers realize that you are killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.
Hungary’s Left is in the service of the globalist-socialist cabal, not the interests of the Hungarian people. That much is surely obvious to everyone, even those who may dislike Mr. Orban.
There is no need for a ? in the title. Of course the Hungarian opposition parrots the talking points of leftist Brussels instead of offering constructive alternates. Fortunately most Hungarians know them for what they are: unimaginative whiners without original thoughts.