Odd sight: Hungarian M35 motorway foaming after a morning rain – PHOTO

An unusual sight greeted locals on Wednesday morning following heavy rain. The surface of the M35 motorway was covered in a frothy, white foam. Was this caused by hazardous chemicals, or is it a natural phenomenon?

Odd occurrence on the M35 motorway

Local media HAON reports that on Wednesday morning, frothy white liquid was seen flowing over the M35 motorway near Debrecen, covering the road surface, according to reports from nearby villages. Various theories have emerged regarding the cause of the unusual phenomenon. The Hungarian Concession Infrastructure Development Plc clarified that the liquid resulted from freshly paved asphalt, as certain elements of the mixture take time to fully absorb. They explained:

After new asphalt is laid, some elements of the asphalt mix may take time to be fully absorbed. During heavy rainfall, it is not unusual for these materials to mix with the rainwater, becoming thick enough to start foaming when churned up by the wheels of passing vehicles. The additives we use comply with all current regulations and are used in accordance with the relevant specifications.

However, some locals believe that the foaming is a natural occurrence caused by the accumulation of dead unicellular organisms, algae, and seaweed.

foaming Hungarian motorway
Photo: Facebook / Debrecenben Hallottam

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One comment

  1. I wonder what other EU countries are experiencing “foaming asphalt” issues.

    Re “The Hungarian Concession Infrastructure Development Plc.” – wonder how our Politicians´ response is coming along:


    “The Commission asks SPAIN and HUNGARY to comply with rules on motorway concession contracts

    The European Commission decided to open an infringement procedure by sending a letter of formal notice to Hungary (INFR(2024)4006) and an additional letter of formal notice to Spain (INFR(2021)4052) for failing to comply with rules on motorway concession contracts. Both letters aim to ensure the respect of EU rules on concessions, which provide for the equal treatment of economic operators interested in participating in procurement procedures and the respect of the obligation of transparency. The Commission is addressing various issues related to those contracts. It considers that Hungary’s 35-year concession lacked transparency in estimated value, failed to transfer sufficient operating risk, and was extended for an unduly long period without justification, violating EU law. Spain extended the duration of two motorway concessions without properly applying tender procedures, breaching EU rules.

    Spain and Hungary now have two months to respond to the arguments put forward by the Commission. Otherwise, the Commission may decide to send them a reasoned opinion.”

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