78yo Hungarian mayor and 18yo mother’s marriage took an unexpected turn

Locals called the marriage of their 78-year-old mayor and an 18-year-old girl in Kunhegyes three years ago the “wedding of the century”. They said their love would last forever and seemed very happy. Here is what happened with the couple.

The “wedding of the century”

We wrote in 2022 about the marriage of a weird couple: the 78-year-old mayor of Kunhegyes, Mr András Szabó, and an 18-year-old girl, who already had a 4-year-old son by then, birthing him when she was only 13. Locals called the happy event “the marriage of the century” and added that the mayor’s former wife was also very young, only in her mid-twenties, when she tied the knot with the village’s first man.

kiskunhegyes polgármester
The former mayor, András Szabó. Photo: Kunhegyes Council/Facebook

Locals were divided about the marriage. József (67) could not imagine his life on the side of a girl 40 years younger than him. He thought an 18-year-old girl was just a kid. He would marry a woman at least 40. Júlia, in her 80s in 2022, was shocked when she heard about the wedding. “This is more than enough. We were together with my husband for 46 years until God called him. I have never seen such a thing.” Andrea Háziné Szabó defended the couple. Her husband is 30 years older, and they raised three kids. “I did not care about others’ opinions. My husband was a man of a kind when he was young. If love comes, it comes” – she added then.

Something went wrong in the marriage

It seems the marriage did not work quite well. Blikk asked around the village about the couple and learned that they no longer live together. They could not gather much information about exactly what went wrong. They wrote that the former bride already moved away from the village.

High position in the mayor’s office

Rumour has it that the former mayor – who lost his seat on 9 June partly because of his young wife – wanted to give a high position to her at the mayor’s office. The step caused indignation in the village.

The mayor's office and the Calvinist church (Copy)
Photo: FB/Kunhegyes Mayor’s Office

Judit, a local, said the couple told everybody that their love would last forever. However, it seems the 60-year difference in their ages was too great of an obstacle.

The 2nd biggest Calvinist church in Hungary

Kunhegyes is a settlement with approximately 7,000 inhabitants close to Szolnok. It boasts Hungary’s 2nd biggest Calvinist church with 1,400 seats and 4,000 standing places:

Kunhegyes Calvinist church 78yo mayor
Photo: Creative Commons

Blikk learned that the former mayor did not remain alone since he was together again with his former wife, who is also much younger than him. The Hungarian tabloid did not share what happened to the wife and her son, but they left the settlement after the relationship with the former mayor ended.

  • Read more about their 2022 wedding in THIS article.

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