Hungarian opposition: WHO mustn’t be allowed to become ‘world government’

Rather than “slavishly building the system”, Hungary’s leadership should resist efforts to turn the World Health Organization into a “world government”, the deputy leader of opposition Mi Hazánk said on Thursday.
A political declaration on the prevention of pandemics is being discussed at the ongoing United Nations General Assembly session, but this document “is not only worrying, but also presents terrifying prospects for the restriction of freedoms”, creating the framework for a “world government”, Dóra Dúró told a press conference.
This is but the first step of a mechanism in a legal guise that will lead to next year’s WHO pandemic preparedness treaty, Dúró said, speculating that the process would end with more vaccination drives that would “completely eliminate freedom”.
Under the new system, the head of the WHO would have the authority to declare a health emergency without anyone else’s approval, and the organisation would have control over certain national resources and the power to overrule certain national decisions, she warned.
This would obviously weaken national sovereignty, Dúró said, insisting that the WHO “has by now clearly become a corporation of the pharmaceutical industry, representing the interests of its financiers and serving their goal to generate profits”
Source: MTI
My experience with Hungarians is that they seem to be more susceptible than average to conspiracy theories. When Hungarian politicians promote these crazy ideas it gives a form of legitimacy to Hungarians that there must be some truth to it. Orban promotes them. The list: Soros world empire, Bill Gates world manipulation, WHO world government, the evils of “liberalism” taking over the country, “Brussels”_____(fill in the blank), etc. In the US you had Marjorie Taylor Greene promoting the idea that Jewish space lasers were responsible for wildfires in California. You can invent anything and push it through Facebook and other social media. People are losing their grip on reality and politicians use these ideas to create phantom opponents and threats that they will protect you from if you elect them.