Hungarian President clashes with main Orbán-challenger Magyar on Facebook

President Tamás Sulyok called out opposition Tisza Party leader Péter Magyar for trying to “lecture” him on legal matters and the obligations of his position in a post on social media with the title “Everything in its proper place” on Saturday.

Responding to a statement by Magyar calling for “a real presidential speech” addressing the state of Hungary, Sulyok said the opposition party leader had repeatedly accused him of “being in arrears” in promoting the nation’s interests and had sought to support that claim with “petty lies”.

President Tamás Sulyok
Photo: FB/Sulyok

Sulyok warned against “illegitimate political agitation in a primitively arrogant manner” and suggested a closer reading of the constitution “that might even help one become a responsible politician”.

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  1. That was a complete nothing burger from Sulyok. The phrases he uses along with other Fidesz politicians must come from some Soviet political textbook written in the 1950s.

  2. Seat WARMER, in the “gloaming” years of his life, that is from another era, but “plays” along, with the Political Party of his “Wallet” support, through there “Gratuitous” appointment of him, to the postion of Hungarian President.
    Wonder, through the SIMILARITY of his reply, to Magyar Peter, if a courier delivered a prepared reply for him, from the Office of the Prime Minister of Hungary -Victor Orban – who at present is CURRY Munching.
    Healthy reading, when we Lawyers, get into Argument, especially, when in the case of the Hungarian President, his “right of reply” was *** Weak.
    Further argument, easily could be “fired” at him, pointing to FACT that he has no DEFENCE, to the statements, the claims directed at HIM.

  3. Magyar keeps demonstrating why he should never be elected. Magyar continually picks on irrelevant nonsense instead of coming up with plans to improve the lives of citizens. Magyar wants 5-minutes-of fame more than anything else. No opposition supporter ever mentioned anything in Magyar’s background that would qualify him as a P.M.

  4. Peter Magyar is a lawyer. He has absolutely no experience or knowledge of economics or foreign affairs. Magyar is not qualified to run the country.

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