Hungarian President in NY: Russia crossed the Rubicon

President Katalin Novák in New York on Thursday told Hungarian public media that a “fair, long-term sustainable peace agreement is the road to peace”.

Rather than fueling the war in Ukraine “we must calm tensions and sentiments”, she said. The president noted to M1 that more than a year has passed since Russia attacked Ukraine and an end to the war was not yet in sight. She said it was unknown how many more lives the “cruel war” would claim on both sides. International public opinion on the war, she said, was shifting. So was the mood on the warring sides, she argued. President Volodymyr Zelensky, she noted, remotely attended a meeting in Reykjavík and “talked about the need for peace”, though expelling Russians from Ukrainian soil was Ukraine’s precondition.

“More and more people are articulating the importance of peace,” she added. The president said Russia should not be allowed to meet its war objectives given its “unacceptable and inexplicable” attack on a neighboring sovereign state. She said Russia must be told clearly that “the Rubicon has been crossed” and conflicts cannot be solved through conflict in this day and age. “That’s why … a fair, long-term sustainable peace agreement is the road to peace.” She noted that the UN, EU and the Council of Europe were established as peace missions after the second world war to prevent any world war in the future.

For peace and families in the United Nations – Katalin Novák posted:

“We may well be on the brink of a world war,” she said. Through these organisations, “we have a common obligation to seek a path to peace,” she said. Pope Francis’s visit to Hungary confirmed that many were trying to find a path to peace. “We Hungarians [and] leaders of Hungary … are also seeking a path to peace,” she added. President Novák warned against intensifying “the rhetoric of war” and “fueling the war”.

She noted that Hungary, an independent and sovereign country, works as a part of a system of alliances. The country has its own firm ideas for the future, she said. “This could well be why many find us an exciting and interesting negotiating partner,” she added. Novák said it was important to show the world what Hungary truly stands for and to foster a realistic image of Hungarians. “I’ve been doing this for the past year.” She noted that a Demographic Summit will be held in Hungary again in September, and next year she would host the world’s female heads of state in Budapest.

Also, Novák said she is soon to pay a visit to Albania, and she would promote the EU accession of Western Balkan countries. Further, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis will soon visit Budapest for an official visit, she noted.


  1. …Wow! 😮

    I had no idea that the Russian army has advanced as far as norteastern Italy. 😉 😀

  2. Magyarország bemocskolja Nagy Imre örökségét azzal, hogy támogatja az orosz gengszterek náciszerű háborúját Ukrajnában, amelyet vérszomjas orosz állampolgárok támogatnak.

    Putyin szövetségese Magyarország továbbra is szenvedni fog rövidlátó ostoba viselkedésétől, amit a magyarok hülyeségükben most gyakorolnak.

  3. If historical president determines future trading partners and friends, Hungary will have none. Hungarians were at the mercy of the Turks, Habsburgs, Germans and all those that bombed Hungary during WWII, including GB and US.

    Presently, Russia is a reliable supplier gas and oil. The energy from Russia heated the home and cooked the food of Hungarians.

    What did the EU members do, criticized Hungary for not allowing hordes of criminals to occupy the country, stopped hordes of illegals at the border from entering the EU. The EU has not contributed a penny. The EU withheld moneys because Hungary refused to have its children mutilated and stopped having the children brainwashed by gender nonsense.

    Suomi Suomalainen, I sympathize with your statement, presently, Russia seems to be a better ally than all of the EU.

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