Hungarian region reports the most cancer death rate in the EU
There have been approximately 4.5 million fatal accidents in the European Union and the quarter of that number is related to some cancer disease. There are 257 cancer cases among 100,000 EU residents in the 27 member states.
G7 reported that in Hungary the regions of Dél-Alföld, Dél-Dunántúl, Észak-Alföld, Észak-Magyarország, Közép-Dunántúl, Közép-Magyarország and Nyugat-Dunántúl over 300 cancer cases are happening among 100,000 citizens which is among the highest number in the European Union. Moreover, in Közép-Dunátúl region has the highest number of cancer cases that occurred on the whole continent, precisely 364 out of 100,000 Hungarian citizens. The other areas are in the sixth place according to the latest official EU statistics.
In general, Central and Eastern countries on the European Continent report the most cancer cases.
Even though cancer is reported all across the continent, Hungary is still in the worst situation. In 2016, cancer was the number one fatal disease in Europe and especially in Hungary. Besides the most common cancer types, lung, breast and prostate cancer are the most typical types of disease in Hungary.
In August it has been reported that waiting times for cancer diagnostic tests in Budapest will be reduced from 14 days to 7, Gergely Karácsony, the city’s mayor, said on Wednesday. The municipal assembly is expected to vote on an agreement to halve waiting times for diagnostic tests on Thursday, Karácsony said, noting that the proposal serves to fulfil one of his key campaign promises from last year.
In most of the EU countries, the main reason for fatal accidents is respiratory problems, except for Denmark, Ireland, France, and the Netherlands where cancer is the number one reason. In Hungary, every second fatal accident at hospitals is connected to respiratory problems while every fourth to cancer. Hungary is the seventh out of all EU countries where every second patient in hospitals dies of respiratory problems, which is 48.9% of all sick people.
Serbia, Romania, and Bulgaria are ahead of Hungary with more than 50%. Cancer is the most severe problem in Slovenia, while the country with the fewest diagnosed patients is Bulgaria.