Hungarian researchers developed a new painkiller

The herbal painkiller has been under development by Hungarian medical experts for decades. The painkiller, called Herbapirin, is revolutionising pain relief for people who would like to avoid taking synthetic drugs.

As we can read in the article of, the first herbal painkiller, Herbapirin, will hit the shelves of many Hungarian pharmacies in the coming days. The product, based on willow bark extract, is the result of decades of research, and its launch is a huge success. It is a great help for people who do not want to burden their bodies with synthetic drugs.

How does it help relieve pain?

herbapirin herbal painkiller
Herbapirin. Source:

Herbapirin is an entirely domestic development. Developed by Hungarian pharmacists and herbalists over decades, the painkiller is also manufactured in Hungary. The herbal active ingredients (such as rosemary, turmeric or willow bark) work together to relieve pain and the inflammatory processes that cause it.

According to, the developers of Herbapirin said the following about the new painkiller:

“The main active ingredient is salicin, which has natural anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, while having no effect on the platelet aggregating ability, thus not affecting clotting time. The other active ingredients may help to maintain the healthy integrity of the body, restore the natural balance of anti-inflammatory hormones and provide additional protection through their antioxidant action.”

The effect of willow bark

The secret of the herb is that it is very similar to one of the most popular painkillers, Aspirin, as it is a natural source of salicylate. White willow is slower acting than aspirin, but its effects last longer and it has fewer, if any, side effects.

White willow bark is effective in relieving headaches, mental tension and acute muscle pain, but it can also be used to treat other chronic pains such as backache and neck pain.

The main ingredients

“There are three main components. One is “Rosmarini aetheroleum”, or rosemary essential oil, whose extract can be beneficial in the treatment of muscle and joint pain. The other is “Curcumae longae extractum”, an extract of turmeric, which can reduce the formation of inflammatory mediators, thus having a positive effect on the inflammation process and speeding up its resolution. Finally, “Pycnogenol”, an extract of pine bark. The active ingredient pycnogenol may have a beneficial effect on joint pain caused by osteoarthritis and may reduce the need for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,”

the developers added.

According to, the product will hit the shelves of pharmacies in the next few days, but the developers want to make it as widely available as possible, so it will soon be available in drugstores, herbalists and grocery chains.

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