Hungarian universities must save money: 18°C inside, dormitories close

It is no surprise that many Hungarian universities had to find out something to save money on energy. At first, nobody thought that the situation will become this severe. Underfunded universities have already made announcements on money-saving. However, the real shock came when the University of Public Service also announced its own saving techniques.
The fact that the University of Public Service has to save money on energy is especially shocking because it is a top-priority institution for the government. By now, it is well-known that the autumn break will be postponed to December as an extension of the winter break. Facilities can hold autumn breaks at their own expense, but they have to make up for it. According to, there will be frugality measures put in place for the winter months.
From the middle of December, all dormitories will be closed for two months, except for two. All of the buildings will be closed from 19 December until 9 January, except for one building. Every building including the dormitories can only be heated up to eighteen degrees celsius, except for infirmaries. The swimming pools will be closed too from 19 December until the end of January. Remote examinations will be held instead of on-ground examinations. The most drastic measure of all is that if it is necessary, the spring semester might start remotely.
But this is not all
The Occzy Park will not be illuminated between 8 PM and 6 AM and the university campus’ floodlight will also be turned off after 9 PM. There will be no lighting for sports fields either. The water will not be hot, but only lukewarm and hand dryers will be disconnected. Every second lightbulb and the fluorescent lamp will be unscrewed. Any kind of external heating system will be banned from the campus and only with the permission of the rector can they be brought in. The fencing hall, the Ludovika Education Centre, the Tópart Building and the shooting range will be all closed. And it will not be allowed to endlessly use fuel cards as from now on, there will be a HUF 40,000 (EUR 95) limit on them.
Not an isolated case
The state regulations apply to all the state-financed institutions too. Eighteen degrees will be the maximum temperature inside buildings, but there are no plans for remote learning so far. Remote examinations and grades based on participation during the semester will be widespread. Most universities plan on saving money by closing windows and using energy more efficiently, but no drastic measures have been implemented, reports
Meanwhile, at other foundational schools the budget management is much more flexible. For example, the Corvinus University of Budapest is able to finance one-time support for the employees of the university. However, time will tell how all higher education institutions will be able to adapt to these new conditions.