Hungarians lose tens of thousands of smartphones at New Year

Budapest (MTI) – According to estimations, tens of thousands of smartphones are mislaid at New Year’s parties in Hungary, a consultant to Sicontact, the distributor of IT security company ESET in Hungary, told MTI on Friday.

Peter Beres added that “knowing the nosiness of Hungarians” and in light of the fact that most phones are not secured, over 60 percent of those who find a loose phone will have a look at its contents.

Citing an ESET survey, Beres said that 138,000 cellphones and laptops are lost in the UK at Christmas parties, and 64 percent of those devices have no data protection.

The British study was based on a survey of 600 bars, and concluded that an average 12 phones or laptops are left at one place, and 83 percent of them are returned to their owners. Nearly two-thirds of the respondents said they would peep into a phone found if it was not locked.

Photo: MTI


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