Hungarians still cannot pass this Austrian border by car

The border between Schattendorf (Somfalva) in northern Burgenland and Ágfalva has been closed to vehicles for over three months now. The construction of the pedestrian zone leading to the border and the sinking pillar to restrict traffic is still not finished. Although, it was originally planned to last 12 weeks. The mayor insists that the road should be used only under certain conditions.

Autószektor reports, that the situation remains unchanged at the Austrian border. Cordons are still blocking the middle of the road, leaving a narrow path where people can walk to the neighbouring villages. This is making life harder for Hungarian who are working in Austria and have to pass the border on a daily basis.

A temporary solution

Hungarian commuters have found a solution to this problem: they leave their cars on the Hungarian side, walk through that narrow path, and then continue their journeys with another car on the Austrian side. Of course, not everyone has two cars. The second option is taking a detour. The other route, to Klingebach/Sopron, is extended by around 40 kilometres if you want to reach the villages in the Nagymarton district.

Delayed roadworks

The roadworks was planned to last 12 weeks, about three months, but the road is still closed. The Mayor of Schattendorf, Thomas Hoffmann, says that the road was underwater for a long time, making it harder to finish the work in time. In addition to that, street lighting needs to be installed, as there is a pedestrian zone.

Traffic restrictions

Thomas Hoffmann is adamant about the traffic restriction despite the criticism he received from Hungarians. According to him, the village has the right to restrict traffic on its own municipal roads. Hoffmann also promised that the road will be open to “neighbourhood traffic” (Nachbarschaftsverkehr). People who want to use it will have to apply for a permit at the Schattendorf village hall.

It is still not clear who will have the right to drive through the pedestrian zone. There have been rumours about making the pedestrian zone open for the people living in the two villages, Schattendorf and Ágfalva. This initiative would mean a nightmare for Hungarian commuters. But the overwhelming traffic would not disturb the people living in the two villages anymore.

The rules are to be presented on the 27th of June. We can know for sure that there will be a toll. The Austrian village would charge EUR 160 for a two-year pass from drivers. Although, 140 euros would be immediately refunded in the form of vouchers. The vouchers will be redeemable at local businesses.

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