Hungarians still do not want HUXIT

According to a recent poll, 68 percent of Hungarians still see Hungary’s membership of the European Union as beneficial. This means that the majority of Hungarians would not support HUXIT.
According to a recent survey by the Publicus Institute, two-thirds of Hungarians would still vote for Hungary to become a member of the European Union.
According to the December 2022 poll, 68 percent of those polled still see Hungary’s membership of the EU as beneficial.
It was highest in March 2022, when 86 percent of people were pro-EU. The lowest, 57 percent, was recorded during the refugee crisis in 2015, reports.
According to Publicus, leaving the EU would involve a lot of effort, expense and political failure. This can be seen in the number of British prime ministers who have resigned after Brexit.
The smart thing to do is to take as much money as the corrupt communist EU are willing to give, and then leave when they finally step out of line and tries to implement their marxist agenda in Hungary.
Hungary – you ARE going TOTALLY against, the direction 68% surveyed – as a country of 9.5 million citizens being TAKEN by the Victor Orban “Dictatorial” Government – that WANTS the CAPITULATION – the Collapse of the European Union.
How does Orban and his “Team” – other than “signing ” us off to be Governed from Moscow or Beijing – under communist governments, the ideas & political direction and philosophy – Orban has and see’s the FUTURE of Hungary – how does Orban – see us Hungary in some what a “stand alone” independent place as a country, how does Orban and his “Mob” – the Fidesz Party – the on-going SURVIVAL of Hungary what is going to be our SURVIVAL – if we are “Booted out” or decide to leave the European Union?
WHO – what at present, then looking forward – who would want to INVEST into Hungary?
We proceed as a country like LEMMINGS just going about our daily business playing the “Follow the Leader” approach to life.
Don’t we REALIZE – we are being lead to a nearing CLIFF edge and just going to fall into a DEEP and Darkened Abyss – by this Orban led Government?
Financially & Economically, just look at our Education System, in a cataclysmic MESS, the on-going deterioration of antiquated Public Health – Hospitals, Dental & Optical and all “other” associated componentry of PUBLIC Services, that our TAXES fund – for our well being – our lives – our FAMILIES lives currently and into the FUTURE – the question AGAIN to Orban & his “Mob” – the improvement, the maintaining of these PUBLIC SERVICES – the needs of individuals of families living in the 21st century and into the FUTURE – where is the Money going to COME from?
Hungary – just FOCUSING on the Car Manufacturing Industry and industries associated “married” into it in Hungary – the thousands of Hungarians EMPLOYED into it – if we LEAVE the European Union – the ramifications just in this employer of thousands of Hungarians – CATACYLSMIC.
MESSAGE to Hungarians for there FUTURE :
“Better the Devil you know than the one YOU don’t.”
25% of EPs are on Soros Open Society funding, along with much of the media in Europe – same for US – that’s why you hear little about it.