Hungarians’ views on sexual harassment – Survey

Publicus and Vasárnapi Hírek conducted a representative survey investigating what Hungarians think in connection with the recently surfaced sexual harassment cases (e.g. the Harvey Weinstein or Louis C.K. cases) and their social assessments. The survey was conducted between 11-15 November. 1001 Hungarian participants of voting age filled in the survey. Let’s see the results.
9 out of 10 participants (85%) have heard about the cases of sexual harassment recently made public. 66% (two thirds) of the participants think that these sexual harassment cases are outrageous. Approximately 16% of respondents (every 6th participant) think that these cases happen and they were not surprised by them at all.
Majority of respondents (84%) think that cases of sexual harassment are important societal issues.
Who is responsible?
More than half of the participants (53%) think that the primary reason why cases of sexual harassment have no legal consequences is society’s attitude towards these issues. Participants think that state institutions, the police, court and prosecution are all responsible too.
28% of participants think that even victims are to blame for why harassment cases have no legal consequences.
53 % of participants think that authorities are not handling sexual harassment cases well, and that is a reason why a lot of people decide not to press charges.
Four out of ten people (41%) think that victims are also responsible for becoming victims of sexual harassment.
Majority of people who think that victims of sexual harassment are NOT responsible for becoming victims of sexual harassment are below 45 years of age (57%), but 35% of participants below 45 think that yes, victims are also to blame.
Majority of people who think that victims are in some way responsible for becoming victims of sexual harassment in the first place are above 60 years of age and mostly have blue-collar jobs.
8 out of 10 people think that the incidents mentioned in the recent cases of sexual harassment – making sexual advances while abusing one’s power (93%), making unwanted sexual advances (91%) and asking for sexual services in exchange for help (80%) – are definitely regarded as forms of sexual harassment.
15% of male respondents think that in certain cases, sexual harassment “can be tolerated”. Only 9% of female participants share the same opinion.