Hungarians wake up earlier than Austrians and pray less than Romanians

The Hungarian Central Statistics Office has conducted a research in 17 countries on how people aged 10-84 actually spend their time, focusing on what they do, when they do it, how much time they would like to devote to it, and how frequently they perform a given activity. Menedzsment fórum compared the data gathered from Hungary, Austria, Romania and Poland.

Early bird gets the worm?

Let us take an average day and see who wakes up earliest: more than half of the Hungarian and Austrian population consecutively wakes up at 6:30, while in Romania, more than 73% and in Poland more than 86% of people are still in bed.

The majority of the working population is at their workplace around 11 in the morning: 31.5% of the Austrians, followed by Hungarians, Romanians and Poles. Performing paid work at this hour is at the highest rate in Austria, performing housework is at the highest rate in Hungary.

Breaking down an average Hungarian day

As we have already said, half of the Hungarian population gets out of bed around 6:30, most of the commuting can be noticed between 7 and 8 in the morning. Both paid work (24.5%) and housework (33.5%) peaks around 11 in Hungary, but shopping in the morning hours is more frequent than it is in the afternoon. Evidently, fewer people work in the afternoon, as leisure time gets 10% more attention than in the early hours of the day.

Hungarians respect culinary traditions, two-thirds of the people surveyed sat down for lunch roughly around 12 pm.

Hungarians have dinner between 6 and 7 pm on average, which is followed by watching the telly around 8 pm (almost 60% of the asked people) by more than half of the Hungarian population.

The majority is in bed by 10 pm.

Hungarians v Austrians

An average day for a Hungarian is quite different from that of an Austrian in the sense that it can be regarded as ‘less relaxed’. Hungarians devote 43.6% of their time to sleeping, while Austrians 49.9%, 7.5% to eating, while Austrians 11.9%.

However, what Hungarians spend more time on is paid work: 9.4% for Hungarians, 8.6% for Austrians, even though 35% of Austrians work and only 23% of Hungarians.

Austrians tend to work in the afternoon too, as opposed to Hungarians. On the other hand, Austrians sit down to watch television much later and consequently, go to bed later than Hungarians do.

Hungarians v Romanians

Romanians tend to sleep in later in the morning, as almost half of the surveyed people are not out of bed by 7 am. Work-related (both paid and housework) habits are fairly the same as in Hungary.

Lunch comes 1.5 hours later than in Hungary, and regarding free time, it can be seen that Romanians are much less keen on TV than Hungarians.

The biggest difference is in religious activities: 7% of the Romanian people partaking in the survey pray, while it stays below 1% in Hungary.

Hungarians v Poles

Polish people wake up later than Hungarians do. The time they devote to their jobs is 5% less than in Hungary, and spend more time on housework and leisure time activities in the afternoon.

Almost 5% more Polish people do some sports, more than Hungarians.

It seems that Poles are not too interested in television: barely more than 10% of the surveyed people said that they watch TV at the end of the day.

featured image:ómai-parti “Kőkert” Land Art in Hungary


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