Hungary to host a renowned sport’s European Championship!

Hungary has been awarded the right to host the 2024 European Rowing Championships after the withdrawal of Sabaudia in Italy, the Hungarian Rowing Federation said on Tuesday.

The event will be held in Szeged, in southern Hungary, between 25 and 28 April, the statement said. Some 1,200 participants are expected to arrive from 38-40 countries for the event. The last time Hungary hosted the European rowing championships for adults was 53 years ago, the statement said.

Szeged will also be a host to the International Olympiad in Informatics in summer

Secondary school students from around a hundred countries will participate in the 35th International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) to be held in Szeged, in southern Hungary, from 28 August, an official of the ministry of economic development said on Tuesday. Szabolcs Szolnoki, the deputy state secretary for technology, told a press conference that Hungary won the right to host the event for the second time. It first hosted the event in 1996.

Every country will be represented by four contestants. Hungary, as the organiser, will have eight students competing, he said. Around 1,000 people, including accompanying staff, will attend the event, he added. Competitions will be held on 28 August and 4 September, and the event has been timed to coincide with the 120th birth anniversary of mathematician John von Neumann.

Source: MTI

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