“No one can question Hungary’s commitment to Europe” Justice Minister Judit Varga said in an English-language post on Facebook on Friday.
She said that according to the third interim report of the Conference on the Future of Europe, Hungary ranked first in terms of population and second in absolute terms regarding the volume of contributions to the pan-European debate this autumn.
“This means that we have taken the lead not only in terms of the number of registered events but also in the volume of ideas and comments submitted to the conference’s electronic platform,” she said.
“It is also pleasing that ideas supporting
Hungary’s position are becoming more numerous and more widely known in the report.
Moreover, a Hungarian event focusing on the dangers of migration is now one of the publication’s highlights,” she added.
“We have our own opinion and we’re proud to have it! The statistics in the interim report show that we, Hungarians are committed to a constructive dialogue on the future of our continent. But the debate is far from over, and recommendations on the biggest challenges our common home faces are still welcome on the conference’s online platform,” Varga said.
“Let’s give Europe a vision!”,
she added.
Read alsoTravel issues of people with Eastern jabs to be solved?
Source: MTI
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Judit Varga superbly states Hungary’s position.
Anyone got a paper hankie
I would like to see more women in Hungarian public life with the strength, talent and dedication of Judit Varga. She is a patriotic mother of three children and when she protects Hungary she protects her own family and their safety and future.
The decadent West doesn’t value or respect women. Hungarians do.
I was a second year engineering student in Budapest at the time of Hungarian uprising. We had just about as many girls as boys in my class. It was very different in America. There were one or two girls in my American engineering class. It didn’t change much over the years.
The West has a long way to go to afford opportunities to girls and women Hungarian girls and women take for granted.
It is ridiculous when the decadent West tries to lecture Hungary on “gender equality”, a concept that perverts the equal partnership between men and women.
We endorse and live with full equality for Hungarian men and women. It is natural for us
We want nothing to do with “gender equality” garbage that allows males to go into women’s sports and prisons to abuse and rape women.
Euronews 16 December
Don’t be fooled: Hungarian court ruling didn’t allow pushbacks – extract
“On December 10, the Hungarian government’s attempt at sabotage failed. It became evident that it can no longer evade its duty to implement the judgement of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). The practice of pushbacks to Serbia must end. Yet the government proudly announces to the world that it got what it asked for from the Constitutional Court. While it did not leave empty-handed, the plan did not fully work out. The Government will, of course, hide behind the Constitutional Court’s decision, because its aim is to increase political tension and uphold its inhumane regime”.
If the vision is corruption at the highest levels of government, that vision has already been seen by the EU – and they don’t like it. That is is why funds to Hungary have been put on hold.
The EU is corrupt and loves corruption. How else would they select the totally corrupt Ursula von der Leyen European Commission President?
Corruption scandal hangs over EU President Ursula von der Leyen
… and that is the real truth -:)
RE the above link to Trtworld: for those that don’t know, it is a state owned propaganda outfit for the Turkish government and expresses whatever crackpot idea the President in Turkey has in his deranged head at any given time. Not a credible source of news.
However, it is still the truth and the EU is corrupt.
How about POLITICO?
The scandal hanging over Ursula von der Leyen
Critics allege cronyism played role in award of contracts worth millions by German defense ministry.
July 15, 2019 4:01 am
The Truth will set you free. Not everyone -:)
“The West has a long way to go to afford opportunities to girls and women Hungarian girls and women take for granted”.
Perhaps the oddly named contributor, he knows who he is, would like to expand on this view, bearing in mind Germany had a female Chancellor from 2005 until 2021. And of course who can forget Margaret Thatcher, UK PM from 1979 until 1990. I’m merely pointing out two very obvious examples ……
“Egy fecske nem csinál nyarat.”
Bringing up exceptional examples of exceptional women leaders of Germany and UK (SUPER) does not mean that girls and women are in any less danger from LGBTQ tans-perverts.
If this madness doesn’t stop, the rights of girls and women will be thrown back 100 years.
Unlike the decadent West, Hungarian laws protect everyone, especially our children.
@To the bigot: the UK also had Theresa May as a PM but the best current example is possibly Finland. But yes, your point is totally valid although the person that you were responding to will not understand your point, so blinded is he.
Dementia is a sad thing. I hope that your Taj Kartya is up to date on payments.
@to The Truth, yes, you are right, poor Theresa May, I forgot about her! And right again, the person to whom I was responding will not understand my point. And having seen how the person responded, we are proved correct as there was no understanding! For what he wrote made no sense……again!
“Bort iszik, vizet prédikál”
No problem with corruption at the highest level of EU?
What you think the rantings of a lunatic hurt our feelings!? Sorry, can hardly write for laughing! Your arrogance is breathtaking. The only thing we ask is please don’t stop!
We hope you were laughing as much writing your comment as we were reading it. It was a humorous comment, yes. If you were serious then you’re even more sad than we thought. How could anyone possibly fear your comments, you poor man. You are the one who is fearful. You can’t let comments go. The world is changing. Your carer should take you out more. Never once forged your username, thank you. Not posting again, life’s too short.